Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1

Did this ever make it into the hotfix, its not in the notes? Its sigil’s graphical area.

That part is not in the game.

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Hi.How can i install this hotfix 1? Some ppl have but i didnt found in this hotfix… someone have the same problem or just me… or maybe i must wait to ubgr automatically?

I will forever treasure the short time we had in which the endgame wasn’t ruined by arcane. A beautiful glimpse at what wasn’t meant to be. For whatever reason.

Will grim dawn 2 also feature bad game design? KEKW

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

GOG have to do some things at their end before it’s available so nothing the devs can do about that.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

What any future GD2 may or may not feature only the devs know. Atm Crate are focusing on other games.

welcome , welcome :wink:

TFW you just finished 50 or 60 hours levelling up, farming and gearing an Aether AAR toon with all the recommended items, only to have 2 of the core recommended items now of significantly reduced benefit.

“Mythical Essence of the Grim Dawn” - essence of the Grim Dawn… that thing that happened when "Aether"ials burst on the scene. Better add Chaos damage… wut.

I guess on the plus side, it narrows the rest of my gear selection down to ‘Clairvoyants + Albrecht’s Duality, or bust’.

I get that. I guess what I don’t understand is why that concern isn’t resolved via creating a new item to resolve it, rather than significantly changing an item other builds are somewhat dependent on.

Anyway. It’s done now. No point crying over spilt milk.


in the story, when the aetherial burst into the scene and messed up everything in cairn, many people from all classes including erulan high officials joined the bloodsworn because they are desperate for help. and the bloodsworn have already prepared themselves well ahead of times since they are master conspirators hiding in every corner of cairn. making it easy for them to lure the desperate and the violent to their ranks. and in turn summoning many chthonians that rips apart the veil between physical realm of cairn and the void.

so yeah, the grim dawn event is primarily about aether vs chaos.

gameplay wise, building hybrid aether+chaos feels harder than many builds if we try to boost both damage. so i think we should only lean toward aether or chaos, with the other damage type converted to the primary damage, while focusing rr from skills and items toward the primary damage. cmiiw, but since the patch change several aether+chaos item to lean toward chaos, it means we should prioritize chaos this time when playing aether chaos hybrid.

so you’re right, players of aether+chaos builds have no choice but to improvise, adapt, overcome.

Quick update for GOG users:

Unfortunately as of this morning, v1.1.7.1 is still not working on GOG. It appears to be a GOG Galaxy issue.

The build is on the servers, if you uninstall the game and just do a fresh instal of v1.1.7.1, it will work. However, if you have v1.1.7.0 installed and try to update to v1.1.7.1, the installation will fail to copy/move/instal a GOG .dll file.

GOG is able to repro it and they are working on a solution, but until they resolve it, the only workaround for GOG users is a clean full installation. Don’t think forcing every GOG user to reinstall is a good solution, so hopefully they will have something for us soon.

We’ll update you guys when this is resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thanks Zan. I’ll post that over on GOG’s forum because there have been questions about when it’s coming.

I uninstalled the game, and fresh install and still in :frowning:

Appreciate the follow up for us Zantai.

If the latest version with patch update is on GOG servers it’s not available to the average joe. Here’s what I see this morning when I log in

This is pretty painful all round. Even if re-installing where an option, I have mods (both game and QoL), both loyalist packs and crucible to then reinstall. That’s not very practical. Also when I logged a ticket in their “general question” section yesterday I was basically told it’s all a COVID-19 related issue and then they closed my ticket. I have a lot of confidence that what your being told is correct. Why they can’t say that in a ticket to a customer is beyond me. I guess from now on I buy directly from Crate or try humble.

Hi i played over GoG and i can confirm
reinstalling does not work either, just tried it … he installs again
there is no way to select for a new installation and the automatic installation will install again …

Alright, well I’m afraid there is nothing we can do until GOG resolves the issue on their end. Hopefully soon.


The list posted are standalone installers. Updates appear there about a day later than in Galaxy, so it’s not the best place to look if you want them now.
Don’t be so easily swayed as a customer. :wink:

Because i use Linux, i can’t use Galaxy so this is what i’m required to do every single update, since update from a patch to another doesn’t work correctly in Linux, which isn’t surprising since this game is designed as a Windows game in the 1st place.

That said, and like @RedPriest said, doesn’t yet appear on GOG’s site:

I’ll just have to wait a bit longer: not a problem.

Just a heads up but I have successfully used Lutris to easily install and use Galaxy (2.0) on Manjaro in the past (as well as the Epic Game Store). It’s quite possible :wink:

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Is there any possibility of applying the patch manually? I just picked up this game over the weekend with the intent to play co-op with my steam friends and I haven’t been able to do so at all.