Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1

Is there any possibility of applying the patch manually? I just picked up this game over the weekend with the intent to play co-op with my steam friends and I haven’t been able to do so at all.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you mean GOG copy then no, it’s simply not available there yet.

I think he’s asking for Crate to supply the patch - however, he hasn’t considered the deeper implications of what he is implying. Lets say Crate does decide to “supply” this patch for GOG users… how exactly are they going to determine thru their own site (non-GOG related) that a user is who they say they are and have done what they say they’ve done (by which I mean how is Crate going to know these people actually coughed up and bought the game on GOG)?

And therein lies his answer. It’s not going to happen until GOG gets off their asses and fix their store and quit trying to blame their inequity on Covid. They’re a digital storefront so they need to start acting like it and get it together already and stop the lame duck excuses - there is no excuse for not being able to adapt and not be “tied” down to a physical location due to a pandemic. The technology to work remotely is there and has been there for a good while now and Crate can testify that it absolutely can be done. GD was built entirely remotely and they started this practice nearly a decade ago.

People need to remember that places like GOG and Steam are a storefront, the middleman, that developers go thru to better facilitate distribution and sale of their product. GOG has 2 types of customers - the developers who choose to use them and then the consumer like you and I - and they are screwing them both over right now because of their anti-developer policies, their need to control every aspect and put their fingers fully in every developer’s “pie”, they want to be the ones pulling all the strings and giving the “OK” on every update, every patch… and they just can’t seem to get their heads out of their a…


My message to GOG would be: get the eff out of the game developers way when it comes to updating their products and trying to get it to their customers. You have ONE job - easing software sale and distribution. And you kinda suck at it.



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That’s a lot of understanding and patience packed into one post.


My view on GOG is rather dim these days. They attempt to portray themselves as the “Great Hope of Consumers Everywhere - Champions of DRM-Free!” but their policies and attitudes toward the game developers themselves are absolutely horrible and ultra-controlling. They treat game developers like dirt in an attempt to keep up their pro-consumer image they want so badly to be seen as.

The irony in that is that without game developers they would have nothing but their own games to offer customers. And then you get double the irony when you consider the fact that how they treat developers and their need to control every aspect of the update process they actually end up hurting their consumers who just want the patches as well.

They just need to get entirely out of the way of devs ability to update their products. Galaxy is supposed to improve that situation but obviously there are problems there yet. And then there is the non-Galaxy installers where GOG insists on handling every aspect of that process once a dev submits updates. Stuff like that is why Steam will never consider a GOG a threat in any fashion. They barely know GOG even exists. I suspect there is a reason for that :smirk: Hell, Epic Game Store put up more of a threat to Steam’s dominance in its first day on the scene than GOG has in all the years they’ve been operating.

I like some things about GOG but I see right thru their BS. It’s manufactured BS that’s intended to make hipsters feel “special” about themselves for buying DRM-free. Their target audience: blind sheep.



Any update on GOG status?

Nope, not yet.

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We cannot generate a GOG patch. That is done by GOG.

All we can do is wait for a resolution.

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Well I have to disagree, some of us have loyalty that was grandfathered in from the days when they were Good Old Games. Their attraction was that they would dig up old forgotten gems and get them running on modern systems and often with extra bells and whistles as goodies. The DRM-free model was just icing on the cake, albeit very thick and tasty icing for those of us primitives who still resent the software-as-service model that digital products are inexorably trending towards. It’s not scoring cool kid points to want DRM-free installers, it’s a genuine appreciation of the freedom and versatility.

Where they drop the ball is with games undergoing active development and updates (clearly, as Grim Dawn releases have demonstrated). I have no defense of that, clearly they need to shore up their handling of updates and patches. That is the reason, though I own GD on both platforms, I continue to use Steam for this game.

The reason I own GD on both is to support Crate only :crate:

Whatever they were in the beginning… those days are far in the rear-view. To me they will always be a hipster-magnet platform tho. The image is seared into my brain thanks to reading hipsters bible-thump the virtues of GOG years ago (on this very forum). There is nothing that can be done to change that now.

And yes, by far my biggest complaint on them will always be their need to be draconian control freaks over game developers products. They really need to breed that behavior out of their DNA. They’ll win for it, the game devs will win, and you and I will win.

Patch on GoG comes out!!

Can’t see an offline GOG installer yet.

Indeed, the patch is live on Galaxy.

Then what do you call playing into company wars and installing each one’s bloatware just so you could rely on their servers for something you’re supposed to own?

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Here… let me take a picture of something for you…


Ah yes… that fits nice and snug upon me wall.

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Fine, you gave fair criticism for some of their practices.

But calling the users hipsters is ironic when you also call them sheep, distancing yourself from the “herd”.

What can I say? Not a fan of hipsters. Never said I wasn’t a fan of DRM-free :wink:

Distancing myself from the herd is a trait I’ve been practicing since self-awareness first ever hit me. I suspect it’s rather automatic by now.

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ok thanks for the Info, i will waiting

The patch is finally out for us long suffering GOG users ! I noticed yesterday that GOG updated Galaxy. Nice of them to think of themselves first …I was able to update just now. Woo hoo !

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First sign of a hipster is that they deny being a hipster. HMMM