Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1

GOG offline launcher now has too.

So … Mythical Sigil of the Bear King piercing to physical conversion for forcewave is no longer a thing (, also checked ingame) and this was not documented in the change log for this patch : is this a glitch ?

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Z you removed the conversion of Ragrathar’s Horn, but actually there are no offhand affixes bonus for bleeding dmg, so its quite useless now.

“Of blood” is in the pool. Besides, popular affixes for offhands are usually utility affixes like “sandstorm” or “of the sands” which provides physical resistance or other stats besides damage

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Was thought so, but an uncommon suffix does not solve the lack of it. I have a double rare sandstorm horn of xxx, 14% physical res, but for dmg focus its a mess. My suggestion add -10% bleed res mod for ring of steel.

If only it rolled with 322% average % Bleed damage before affixes…

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You can’t just slap -resist on anything, the engine doesn’t support it

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No way, there’s math behind the items and not just, like, your opinion?

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…but it is still not satifactory. But I will write about it in another thread. :wink:

Not sure but this should have been reported already.When using a controller and you play for some time then the controller will center to a button and you can’t use it in inventory etc.Game works fine,Using a mouse works fine it’s only in inventory and map as far as i know

Perhaps this should be a separate bug thread, but I’ll go ahead and respond here since this is where you mentioned the issue. When you say

do you mean that when entering inventory/map with a controller, the game shifts your controller “cursor”/highlight to a particular part of the menu? If so, I’ve had a similar issue where during inventory, map, options menu, etc. my controller “cursor” has shifted down to the lowest menu option as if I’ve been holding down on the control stick in the menu (but normal, out-of-menu play is unaffected). I should mention a couple of details for troubleshooting purposes.

  1. For menuing, I generally swap to mouse controls anyway.
  2. I am not using steam/a steam controller/any steam controller interface.
  3. I suspect that my issue has something to do with alt+tab-ing or Windows key-ing back to the desktop during gameplay since I’ve found that if my last action before going to the desktop during gameplay is a mouse movement, then the issue rarely, if ever, arises. (In this sense, what I’m describing here may not actually be a bug, but rather a quirk of swapping programs when using a controller in Windows.)
  4. On a related note, I’ve somehow been able to reset this menuing issue back to normal game behavoir without restarting the game or resetting/unplugging my controller, and I suspect that this has been accomplished by returning to the desktop during gameplay in the appropriate way described in #3, but it’s a little hard to say, since it’s been a while since I encountered the issue, and I don’t know that my success rate in resetting the issue via this method was ever 100% either, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I also had a feeling it’s because i play borderless and i have to switch between 1 monitor to the next.I also reversed it once and it worked.Not sure if it’s a pure fix as i can’t remember what i did :grin:

Controller made me lazy(only game i play with controller)I get te error a lot cause i jump between monitors.
Just though the Dev team should know but i think they already do.It’s not game breaking as i can still do everything with the mouse.

See Strange annyoing controller bug for an easy workaround.