Grim Dawn Version

Thanks Crate for another awesome patch! :sunglasses:. Can’t wait to check it out and plan a new build later!

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So you think they’re having a bromance :rofl: :rofl:

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That’s amazing! :100:

Overall the patch looks pretty sweet, thank you!

Has anyone taken the time to check out the new Mythical Grasp of the Unchained Might mods? :scorv:

only 50% pierce damage converted to physical on conviction

chaos ravenous earth from the new soulcatcher and fiend resolve changes its color to pink i just tested it thx for this new update zantai

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So, we learned some interesting things, like how Cht’thon’s worship was a thing even in Arkovia. The Burrwitch Catherdral wasn’t much, but the Arkovian docks were a great idea. Finally another large area to fight Cronley’s gang at, and to see Ascended in the daylight - that’s new!
The Old Grove was… well, just a dump, with a dual-wielding shield. Ah well at least we learned what’s down there.
The sewer was a great new area - they spruced it up with all the aether crystals, look eerie. And we spend little time in the regular Malmouth sewers. I wonder if the monster we encounter at the end, Glarblebargh or whoever, was the madam that letter was directed at.
The Sunward Spire is YIKES. The the denzity of the Korvan Hulks or whatever the giant mutated Chosen are called, should be taken back a bit, often I couldn’t see among all the meteor showers and giant monsters charging me. Smaller areas but at least 3 floors, and all that lava and the statues was pretty neat.

The Celestial Totems were bigger challenges than the new bosses, though. These things spawn at least 2-3 Scions of Hunger at the time, and they can fill the whole area with tentacles. Good source of Eldritch essence and Celestial Lotus, though.

If, IF these things will ever drop. I did at least 50 Anasteria runs on Ultimate with my only character who is hostile with her, and not even the Epic helmet ever dropped.

I would like to say a huge thank you to the guys at Crate
for adding ambitious updates to the game for such a long time! :bear:

Now, I have to rebuild a lot of characters… :robot:
Exciting, isn’t it?


So still no AS for EoR on it???

Guess it’s time to revisit my Chaos Albrecht’s Aether Ray Warlock, I left her around level 50 or so. Now if the Sentinel would at least finally kindly drop the blueprint for that bloody helmet I want her to use…

A new medal has a modifier for a passive skill (Ranged Expertise). Is it the first of its kind?

One??? For me they spawned 2, sometimes 3. Hard to tell among all the tentacles and my pets. I was playing on Ultimate, maybe it depends on difficulty?

That set always seemed weird to me. It has a giant 2-handed mace and it adds modifiers for… Grasping Vines, a skill that doesn’t do much damage and is mostly just good for crowd control? Doesn’t really gel with wielding a 2-handed melee weapon.

Demon Fire got % target damage reduction in place of High Potency for BWC users. For Retaliation, there is Ulzuin’s Wrath now as that also deals a portion of Retaliation damage.

If anything, I’ve noticed on some of my characters that shifting High Potency’s damage reduction elsewhere is arguably a net buff to all Demos as 1 point in Ulzuin’s Wrath with some + skill bonuses on top is ~10% damage reduction minimum to all damage types, not just Physical.

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If you mean the RR in Death Sentence, it was already 25%. They don’t go below that since that’s now the average RR value for soft cap.

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But it happened to be one of the strongest caster sets at the same time.

They used to spawm 5 in beta testing. Now i get 2 to 3 but never one. Don’t think one only is even possible.

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Methinks a giant maul that requires high strenght to wield is not something that was intended as a caster weapon. :wink: THis ain’t Diablo 3 where people plot a 2-hander sword in their wizard’s hand… :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a failed joke cause celestial = superboss = Callagadra, Ravager, etc hence the pretentious “too easy”
The totems do spawn 2 to 6 of those hentai monsters in ultimate and it’s not easy at all.

I was thinking that I will sleep tonight. But I already created a new character. Thank you for such a long support, Crate. It is a pleasure to be your fan.

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Grasping Vines on it’s own doesn’t do a lot of damage (except Bleed builds sometimes take it, and Retaliation isn’t half bad either) but the Wildblood set makes it pretty damage capable with the % weapon damage to the point where it can be a main damage dealer.

The Crusher also has attack speed on it as well so if you think you should be swinging it around, you can do, you can also make a straight caster or melee/caster hybrid with it. It’s up to player choice.