Grim Dawn Version

Ah I see. I thought your icon is some sort of Tribble with sunglasses. :stuck_out_tongue:
I like player scaled pets, works nicely for some otherwise not pet-based builds. Deathstalker is a poison Nightblade’s best friend with that reduction aura. :slight_smile:

It seems you CAN move the quest text but only once you completed the Shattered Realm, not while it is active.


Tribble with sunglasses? I like to see that now!

About player scaled pets, some of the strongest skills in the game fit the description like Storm totems and Mortars, although no one will pick them as pets in real life :smile:

Also I like visually green Guardians and of course red blade spirits.

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Hey Nery you wanna cuddle with my mortar ?

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He actually doesn’t “get it”. How anyone can say that BS and keep a straight-face is beyond me. The logic behind it is so full of holes (and entitlement) it might as well be swiss cheese.

2 thumbs down to Lokarr’s inane post (which I secretly hope is just an elaborate troll attempt, which he is known for). If it isn’t a troll attempt then it is easily the most idiotic post he has constructed to date.


The beauty of Grim Dawn is also that it is easy to mod, just download the tools and make the changes to skills, items and devotions you want :smiley: make your own power creep OP builds!

And I SO HOPED to witness the beginning of an acidic Albrecht’s Aether Ray. Where 100% Aether Damage is converted to Acid… nonetheless, I am pleased with this patch. :slight_smile:

LoL I thought he/she is being sarcastic and when you read it like that, it’s a good/smart post. But if he/she is serious, then…

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Never take Lokarr serious, he is not even a real celestial!


Parts of it hint that it might be a troll post but then his reply a bit further down makes me not so sure - unless he is truly stringing these dorks along - in which case, I applaud him.

I will go on the record here tho to say this: people that subscribe to the “Waaaahh you shouldn’t NERF single-player games, only BUFF” philosophy belong in their own little special category of stupid.

End quote.


Do you mean the visual because you can convert all Aether globally with

on Warlock (and almost a half of Lightning / Fire).

Although no gear support means problems but it’s doable.

Lokarr’s post is obvious sarcasm. Don’t you guys know the guy?


There’s a point that you string 'em along… and then there is a point where you drop that string and rub their faces in the dirt.

That’s where I come in.

Definitely doable :slightly_smiling_face:. Need to test my acidic Warlock in new SR shards and prepare for Compendium [] Toxicity unacceptable - Acid AAR Warlock [sr] [vid] [mi]. Sorry for off-topic.

Thanks for reminding me, I knew I had seen it. Great build :slight_smile:

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I was testing my build after revising and I realised something. New timer thingy is great(I know I asked for it) but…

in maps like Gazer Prime, you don’t gain any bonus seconds for killing those enemies nor the boss itself, same as treasure box map, big worms map etc so those maps are kinda let your timer run down. No big deal in farming range but It’s kinda annoying if you’re pushing for higher shards because there you have higher chance to die, and when you die you left very little time on the timer, those maps makes it harder to gain the time after such situations.

Regarding the Acid AAR - I hoped for a visual enhancement for the ray itself. To make it look like superslimey green acid-something. I know about the conversion, I got a ton if replies on my forum post regarding exactly that. But I am a collector of different colored-rays - and I deeply miss the supergreen one. :frowning:

I think after Grim Dawn is finished we should add Community Conduits that are in-line with what’s already in the game so that more meme builds are possible to make.

Me too, but we have only conversions for now.

Somehow ppl prefer to feel the excitement and swift combat, also OP, mobs slained like leaves in autumn, rather than a slowpoke. I think us prefer diving deeply in SR/Cru/Superboss, so we’d love to do harder and harder to nearly impossible, rather than being “pushed back”( ex SR 120 -> 75). Like you just got an achievement, the next day the boss says “no, you cant”. Well, a bit depressed. No more motivity to improve/update a build has quadrum nerfed.

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