Grim Dawn Version

Watch the thread go utterly silent as everyone assaults poor GrimTools XD


nice OA/DA scale increase man.

(actually it’s just me being blind, they did mention %damage increase)


Is it joke or what? 30%, 10%, 100%, 145% does’t matter. THIS DON’T WORK WITH PET BUILDS!

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RE: Bonescavenger’s.

It does, but YOU have to make the kill, not the pets, for this particular proc to work.

This proc has always had a hybrid mentality or an active play style, rather than a pure sit-back-and-watch-the-pets style.

But many pet players have just used the gloves for the pet stats. ymmv.


Put that on a Diviner Reap spirit build. It will proc :stuck_out_tongue:

As Hammy said, the player needs to get the kill. And on a pet build that means either having a lot of DoTs stacked and hoping one of them get the finishing blow, or have a high damage nuke.

Since Reap Spirits are pets with a high damage spell component, even on a pure pet build, it works.


Welcome to the wonderful world of “Zantarin vs melee”. Asshole has insanely powerful shotgun of purple projectiles that are absolutely harmless at range, and regularly oneshot anything that stands in front of him.

If Gog didn’t structure its own offline patches it would be just like every other online distributor in not giving us an executable copy of the games we buy–I’ll take GOG warts and all, any day of the week…:wink:


Oh you can absolutely get shredded by zantai at midrange too, there’s nothing his spammed balance projectiles as numerous as his changelog entries can not destroy!

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I like GoG, but the issue is that they keep insisting on it and yet can’t make a working patch. If no one can actually use them, why bother making them in the first place…

Ah, I see. Never sided against the Death’s Vigil with a melee character yet so didn’t have that experience… Only knew about his long range vitality barrage and skeleton summons.
So basically he has Diablo II lightning enchanted charged bolt syndrome, if you stand close all the projectiles hit you all at once.

I’m both angry and impressed with Lokarr for stealing my trolling thunder. >:(


@grey-maybe yeah Grim Tools is always right


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It’s about time, seemed like every single build out there had prismatic diamond. Will be nice to see other components in helms again.

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Valguur’s gloves change makes me sad, my vitality ROH Apostate liked that proc :pensive:

have you tried to select the affix?

I’ve noticed this as well. It also still seems that grimtools adds the incorrect % damage to your Fire/Lightning/Cold despite showing up to +156% Elemental damage on the proc at the highest Insight affix, just have to add the difference in with a calculator manually :man_shrugging:.

Since grim tools have been updated it’s easier to see the change of all items. So far I say good job Crate for your works on this patch, from what I can see yes there are some tweaks on epic or legendary items but the MI section deserves the spotlight, especially the pre-AoM MI got massive buff and they may create new build. Their modifier skill is now comparable with the legendary one.

Look at Fleshwarped Core and Alkamos’ Scythe. Z you have Menhir fetish


This could be a potential weapon for CT Battlemage, but then I remembered that Battlemages have 0 aether RR so I just scrapped the theorycraft.

I don’t know the guy and I thought it was obvious sarcasm from the first paragraph. And then the last paragraph made it VERY obvious.

Yes I have I know that “of insight” affix indeed shows up with correct average roll when used on an item, my point was only that Grim Tools have bugs :slight_smile: Like ranged expertise and rifles
still 77% attack speed!