Grim Dawn Version

Maybe you missed the burn damage bonus they recieved the Big one?

No I did not, but the reduced attack speed still hurts. They can miss targets, unlike storm totem.

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  • Dagallon’s Faceguard: moved % Conversion modifiers for Fire Strike to modifiers for Flame Touched

I don’t entirely understand this change, does this mean that with Flame Touched toggled all chaos damage will be converted to fire/lightning or only the bonus damage provided by Flame Touched?

It’s a global conversion when Flame Touched is on.

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same as with all other conversion you can get on say blood of dreeg, pneumatic burst, menhir bulwark etc

Say: Is it me, or did the nights become darker?

Yeah, I might have to try that on a blademaster now.

After reading through the thread, I will tell all you pet build whiners to quit whining. 5:17 crucible clears? Come on man, I’ve been running hardcore melee for 5 yrs…


It certainly seems that way to me. Inside buildings also seems darker to me as well.

Did some update come out? Steam gave me an update message just now, and downloaded some super quick update, but the version is still…

No, it was just Steam doing something with the C++ redistributables.

Ah OK, thanks.

I know everyone is focused on the new games and thats good but can we get any info if there will be hotfix for 1.1.9. or we shouldnt wait for it :slight_smile: .

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Hm, let me see.

May be a while before it’s released though.


Gotta say, ever since the changes to the boss rooms, I mostly am able to kill all the shattered realm bosses with my Belgothian blademaster one by one with surgical precision. Only once or twice did I draw two at the same time by accident. Their aggro range has been severely reduced, which is good. I do wonder how this will work with pet builds though - you need to be careful not to let the pets wander far.

My pet Conjurer didn’t really have problems during testing. Occasionally they’d aggro 2 at a time, but they dealt with it. Only got up to Shard 74 though before I stopped.

I wonder, was the number of Scions of Famine spawned by Celestial Totems changed? I sometimes get 4-6 at the same time. Not a problem (more chances for them to drop Celestial Lotus) but sometimes gets challenging.

I think they always have the max spawn of 6.

Max spawn of 6 makes for some fun times! :smile:

I reached Level 86 on shatered realm and no rewards after completing.

That is because there is no loot reward at, and after, SR 80. Has been like this since like forever.