Grim Dawn Version

Hmmmmn, with some testing (shifted over to mad lee’s acid retal sentinel build) the retal nerf isn’t too bad. Still carves through everything like a blowtorch through butter, though only tested the MQ before I shifted over to mad lee’s build.

Real test would be Ravager (and Cally), but I need to grind more stuff before I dip back into Celestial testing, let alone the nightmare that is Cally.

Phys and acid to cold conversion… Cold retal finally viable :crazy_face:

I’m not even mad, but the fact itself is kind of funny.

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I’ve tested this more in SR and have come to the following conclusions:

  1. At least SR wise, the aggro changes are a huge buff to pet builds, as the primary cause of pet deaths were always getting ganged up and having a billion debuffs at once.

  2. There are still SR rooms with 5 crystals crammed into each other, tornados, and 50 Hero mobs, including Hero healers and Arcane bunched together, thrusting themselves upon the player. The aggro changes help you run away easier, but maps also have multiple Nemesis monsters crammed next to each other and having to deal with ground crystals + multiple Heros + Nemesis is cancer.

  3. At least where SR75 is concerned, you die once, you lose the timer. The loot is still very generous compared to losing in Crucible, so I guess I shouldn’t complain that much. The psychological effect of going through all the shards only to die to something stupid like Arcane debuff to Alex meteor is really rough, though. I hate losing the timer to something like that…

  4. The new SR rooms, and especially new boss rooms, are freaking gorgeous.


Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

If using GOG’s Galaxy client it should be available very soon. If manual installations then that’ll be down to how quickly GOG themselves get it ready at their end. Could be hours, could be a few days.

  • Faction - Bysmiel Handcannon: added 15% of Physical dealt as Vitality

Yikes, my gunslinger physical oppressor that used dual Bysmiel Handcannon with vit to physical conversion from Mythical Gladiator Distinction just got hit by a stray. Guess flat physical from shifting sands and WPS now go straight into the garbage bin since after a 30% discount on flat physical, all of the physical damage will probably have to go through armor now. Oh well.

What is this? Cold blitz blademaster?

Seriously nerfing my buiild? My pets are the only friends I have…

Ok, so now we are waiting for Grimtools to update :vulcan_salute:


GrimTools patch > Grim Dawn patch


Never ever felt like any patch really killed a build.
But decreasing the RaTa damage (BWC) on TURRION by a whopping 36% !
One cannot use retal BWC anymore now. I played that build (the only build here is by x1x1 I guess) and its offensive damage was really moderate.

What´s the reason for killing Retal bwc?

Edit: Ah, but thx for the great patch. All the rest is rly appreciated! Cannot wait to look it up on updated Grimtools, with all those shady explanations ( “added skill modifier” )

Moderate compared to its former glory, now it is just decent daamge like any other BWC caster.

The reason? Here [] The CockTailer - retal commando, mini-guide [g3][c+][vid] BROKEN build

Thx for the reply.
That one uses Beronath, which got a retal nerf from around -12% to (was it?) -24%. x1x1 used the elemental-physical-conversion-pistol.
John Smiths version should struggle even with Flameone Le Bleu now…

Not really :slight_smile:

Viper Sandspitter got a very nice buff, you can try that out instead.

Will there be a Hotfix “soon” or will this be the last patch for long time?:thinking:

How fast a hotfix appears depends on how many issues are found and the severity of said issues. Historically, with GD, we usually see at least 1 hotfix within the first week or two. So far I haven’t really seen anything serious reported yet - which is kinda rare after big patches - so we’ll see what they do.


Overall very good patch as usual, sad that it’s gonna be the last big one, but hey we got MOAR stuff to come from the community :smiley:

Btw could you increase the drop rates for packla’s drops to 100% total? like e.g. 30% wendigo spirit and 35% for each MI? This drop table seems like it’s from ancient times and not up to date with the post 1.1.7 Grim Dawn world.


So, this was a buff or a nerf on pets?

Because of POE and CyberPunk :slight_smile: