Grim Dawn Version

Unstoppable mutator causes monsters to delay aggro in Crucible. The gameplay feels exactly like it was before the aggro fix. Not sure if it happened this patch. But in 100% of runs with Unstoppable mutator (about 30 so far) i had severe aggro issues. No issues without it.

Similarly, Swift mutator makes monsters to aggro a lot faster (not just run faster). It greatly boosts time clears. This one i’ve noticed before.

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Can we get the exact numbers on this please? I don’t see Golems dropping blooms.

Just to make them a normal non-pet equipment, because useless pet bonuses render them of standard additional stat/skill boosts, modifiers, damage conversions and resistance bonuses. As you showed they still can be used for good non-pet builds but it’s not as good as it could be with a normal non-pet equipment. And those builds mostly reference only to a sword but not a crown.

I’m not sure. For example, it seems the retaliation added to it by Brimstone impacts all retaliation in GT, and not just that due to VF. :man_shrugging: I’d like to see this clarified as I haven’t had a chance to test this IG. Irrc conversion on Ulzuin’s wrath needs to be global for that node to see any.

I don’t really have an issue with pyroclasm, though.

The Ugdenbog Golem term refers to that family of monsters. You are correct that the weakest variant does not drop Ugdenblooms.

The stumps are a bit more complicated because they can drop a range from 0 to 4 Ugdenblooms, but the chance of the initial Ugdenbloom dropping went up from approximately 32% to 54%, with the chance of getting additional blooms roughly doubled.

Edit: It does appear though that the change was done only in Ashes and is not reflected in Forgotten Gods, so we’ll have to update this to Forgotten Gods in the future.


This is correct. The conversion only applies to the damage dealt by Vindictive Flame. The same principle applies to conversion on Counter Strike.

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I see, thank you kindly.

That’s nice, it has been quite annoying to sometimes not be able to tell which boss you have waiting in the corners.

Heh, that’s one that existed since like the start of development, I remember all the Primal Spirits standing around town as they expired. Took time but it’s finally fixed!

Good, so that means there WILL be future updates? Odd, I never noticed they would not be dropping enough - I can usually find about 20-30 by just going through those areas.

Anyone has a list of what those are? Curious!

Y’know, I never made a retaliation build before, but something tells me I really shouldn’t bother. Gotta ask, why do we even have those Oathkeeper skills with X% Retaliation damage converted to Y damage anymore?

That’ll be greatly appreciated by my Harbinger Pyromancer! :slight_smile:


I notice that Valbury dungeon merchant Agarrad is invisible, that is, you can spot his icon on the minimap and interact with the spot, but there is no model there. I am using Grim Internals, so I am not sure if this is a bug from this patch or something in GI. Can anyone confirm using regular GDx64?

nothing nothing nothing

Switch to local saves then both versions access the same folder with no problems.

You’re probably experiencing this old bug: Minor bug - Port Valbury vendor Agarrad show 2 locations
Sometimes merchant appears in both spots, sometimes only in the incorrect one - behind a wall. You can still access him. Try rotating your camera to see him.

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nothing nothing nothing

Gaze was a little strong compared to both Fiend and Bat. If conversion was possible it was typically the better option. Falcon …is not seen that much either (not sure what to do with it).
So it’s not just a physical vs chaos/acid thing. The buff vs nerf approach is another discussion.

nothing nothing nothing

Uroboruuk’s Reaping and Lucius’ Blade-Arm, u balance wt? axhole? u make a new damn god, and kill the old build

every build have 2000%, and see wt Retaliation got now? 1500%, fk u. why u ashole still think its op? dont play those grab build anymore, do something regular, ashole


nothing nothing nothing

Finally some good quality patch drama, people announcing uninstalling the game because of retal nerfs is not enough



BTW, thanks for the patch! :sunglasses: