Grim Dawn Version v1.1.9.6

Thanks for this Patch!

Game still recieving updates after all this time. Grim Dawn is truly something special, and it’s aging really well. There is something to say about games that keep living far beyond their prime days. They’re called…“classics”.


The added passthrough on Plunderer’s Talisman relic and Korvaak’s Brand medal can compensate for the Darkblaze nerf. I tested my good old Darkblaze pyro with these items and it’s performing great, might even be better than ever before.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Good starting level for Ultimate?

When xbox version will receive the patch?

7 posts were split to a new topic: Continued Development “Discussion”

Niiice! I might come back to check these once I take a break from Diablo II Resurrected.

Well that’s the first I heard of this, color me intrigued!

The vendor in the second expansion’s main base (Conclave of the Three) sells “Merits”. Basically once you go Elite and get there, you can get an Elite Merit. Give that to a new character, and they can use it, getting all the story mode skill and attribute points as if they had completed Normal, and can move to Elite. Same is true for Ultimate.
I now generally complete the whole game - both expansions - on Normal/Veteran, then skip Elite with a merit and go to Ultimate right away. This way I am usually hitting level 94 midway of Ultimate.

Been news for nearly a year now.

Have not really frequented general discussions on this forum, so did not see. Thanks!

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Very soon.

Following some final checks on our end, it is now in certification.

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Thanks for reply, really love your game

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Crab’s Arcane Barrier change caused it to lose its binding, so if anyone’s been using it prior update, be sure to reassing it.


Me, a returning player: “Ranged weapon builds buffed? That’s so cool!”
Me, who’s first completely self created build and one I was last/currently using was built around the Mythical Evoker of Elgoloth:
" :frowning: "

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Evoker Vindi actually feels pretty good right now, I had the same concerns but it is quite viable now. Chilling rnds got passthru so it’s enough compensation imo

What devotion setup do you use (grimtools link perhaps)? I have all DLC, but my devotion setup was theorycrafted a good amount of patches ago, I also didn’t use chilling rounds before, as I had 3 weapon procs for most of my run and it felt good with just those, I am not sure if that affects devotion choices.

All these +2/+3 to X changes… I love them. Not added randomly but often on items with natural synergies.
Meme builders can now rejoice, modify their builds that use +5 Sadge of Mastery or have multiple items
with wrong % damage and take them out of the closets.

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That’s a lot of buffs…

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Look at :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Dear Lord. Power creep, what have you done?!

Welp, so long as everyone’s happy
