Grim Dawn's epic journey to one more store

Have you done it yet? That was back in January. :upside_down_face:

In case anyone is wondering why these things take so longā€¦


Just imagine emailing back and forth 63 times about putting a game up on a storeā€¦ and this is only one email thread, in total its over 100 emails now.


These must be quite epic negotiationsā€¦ :smirk:

Just email me when its over and up on there for the free period :slight_smile:

Free GD on Epic hype!

Good grief! Thatā€™s sounds almost as bad as trying to get GD on to Xbox. :crazy_face: Having to go through your own ā€œcertificationā€ process it seems.

Well, you would think they would have the process a bit more stream-lined considering that theyā€™ve been touting themselves as the game developer ā€œfriendlyā€ platform. Sounds like something they need to work on more.

I was thinking the same. Considering that it looks to me that Steam just accepts anything, Iā€™m actually really curious as to what exactly with FF is so difficult for them for approval.

Oh I dunno if Crate are even talking to them about FF - in this instance regarding the Epic talk, as far as Iā€™m aware, weā€™ve been speaking of GD.

Indeed. As big M said further up.

To be clear, this is just for GD and it isnā€™t about getting accepted - its getting set up in their system and working with their platform SDK.

Steam is more bare-bones self-service with just a rep to answer questions. Sometimes documentation is outdated or hard to find but you can mostly plug away on it by yourself and get it done eventually.

Epic is like dealing with some gov bureaucracy where you have to fill out all these different forms and talk to people in different departments, sign various authorizations, create multiple accounts etc. It seems sort of over-engineered and cumbersome. A lot of back and forth is required and sometimes it takes over a week to get a response (although when you have to talk to someone at Steam, it can also take a long time).

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GOG fanboy here. How does their process compare?

Here you go big M, courtesy of powbam via the GD discord.

Looks like big M did send the info back to Epic.

In case anyone was wondeering how this is going:


Woohoo! :grava_yes: When? Or is it already available on Epic?

Not showing up in a search yet.

So, this one email thread required 97 replies until they welcomed you? :smirk:

Uhh, no, unfortunately the misleading ā€œWelcome to the Epic Game Store, Grim Dawn!ā€ is the original subject-line since email 1.

Iā€™m hoping maybe we just need to get to 100? Not sure if it works that way though

:grimacing: Letā€™s hope not!