Grim Misadventure #111: Expansive Legendary Arsenal

Kool. :cool:

that was the name of the last boss

It was the name of the last boss, not the name of the mastery.

T-bone confirmed as last boss.

getting better like fine wine.

Yes, I suppose it means easier since the difficulty curve is smoother. Previously it was like very steep steps. Now it is steps with the occasional ramp. I would not consider it casualising. All of the game’s previous challenges remain the same.

I doubt everybody is going to exclusively farm two dungeons, just as they do not exclusively farm Port Valbury. This update simply catches up the older roguelike dungeons to what’s offered in the newest one.

Plans after the expansion depend entirely on how well it does, whether there is a second expansion or not.

I somehow doubt anybody in the office is interested in working on an MMO anytime soon, never mind the insane budget and development time those involve.

machine guns confirmed

See the Crate homepage for a glimpse of the possible new project. Certainly brighter than Grim Dawn anyway. :smiley:

Yeah, i got the second letter in one of the streams later, and it’s “h”.

So it seems that Z was being funny, and last boss starts with “the”, and to get some real info we need to get to 4th letter.

Or it’s Thor, ya? :smiley:

thanks for the reply. I’m quieter now.

and I hope minimun other expansión more! :rolleyes:

Any chance for Early Access for the Expansion?

Come on Crate - i am throwing my wallet at the screen as we speak…

Can’t wait for the Expansion! looks like its gonna be a blast in more ways then 1 :wink:

Some tracks are present in the game’s OST but aren’t actually used in game. It’s a pity because they are pretty good and would make great soundtracks for dungeons which are too silent for my own taste.

That’s not Matt Uelmen tier, obviously, but Steve has done some fine work for the game and I’m looking forward to hearing more of his stuff in the xpac.

Fourth letter - “L”

The Last Boss of the expansion it is, then :undecided:.

Oh, and some sweet music to listen to! Thank you, Shuranosuke!

Will the expansion fit in after the current Act 4? I’m slowly leveling up a witch hunter on veteran and have no issue waiting at Act 4 for the new Act 5 so that I can play organically through the expansion.


based on the last Dev Stream, it branches off in Burrwitch. This also makes sense given that the misadventures said that Ugdenbog is north of Burrwitch

Not sure if the entire expansion is located there or if they attach to other areas as well

I guess I should mention this here for people who weren’t around for the latest stream, Zantai said that there are enough devotion points in the expansion pack on ultimate difficulty to get to cap, so no need to go back to lower difficulties to collect them if you are already at ultimate.

Probably means ~+5 to cap then, unless Act 5 is absolutely massive.

Or that we will have more Devotion shrines scattered across all difficulties, with enough to get on Ultimate alone for the cap. (e.g Port Valbury, Conflagration, Immolation, etc.)