Grim Misadventure #111: Expansive Legendary Arsenal

Cindercore looks great!

They all look really unique, love the steampunk style of the guns.
Diviner’s set is very cool. Very happy we are getting more factions, I wonder if a faction choice will be involved? :smiley:

Awesome looking gear there, Can I dual wield that scythe with my Scythe of Tenebris? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, it isn’t necessary that the class be a combination of terms: Necro.

I rather hope Necro is just the class combination of New class + Occultist and not the whole class.


Of course ‘nobody’ is still in there

A small update but still nice. Always looking forward to expanding my collection of legendaries :wink:

The hype is real !

My take on mastery… I think the last thing that remains is … Docker !
Ready for some heavy ship (un)loading in the xpac?

Seriously though, the mastery name thingy feels like a massive troll !

I’ll be happy with anything tbh, I finally put my mind at peace with a possibility of a necromancer-type that I am not typically fond of - knowing that Crate would nail it anyway.

I’m still betting on the “Shieldmaiden” as the last new class. We already have enough caster classes and pet skills, so we don’t really need a necromancer class (well, I’d still welcome it), and there are definitely not enough shield-based skills.

Now I read in spanish, ask. Changes in leveling means easier and faster level 85? Ill go that crate road, and the legendary exclusive in those areas I do not like either. It reminds me of the rifts of d3, in the end everyone will play there. The last changes I do not like. I do not like the new direction you’re taking from Crate with the game. You are casualizing little by little and I do not like where it goes. sorry for my English

May I ask a question? Are there any plans after the release of the expansion? Like, will there be a 2nd expansion, or more DLC’s, or Crate will create a new game? Maybe an MMO-ARPG?

Edit: will the new mastery be the Templar? You said in the last Misadventure that it starts with a “T”.

Kool. :cool:

that was the name of the last boss

It was the name of the last boss, not the name of the mastery.

T-bone confirmed as last boss.

getting better like fine wine.

Yes, I suppose it means easier since the difficulty curve is smoother. Previously it was like very steep steps. Now it is steps with the occasional ramp. I would not consider it casualising. All of the game’s previous challenges remain the same.

I doubt everybody is going to exclusively farm two dungeons, just as they do not exclusively farm Port Valbury. This update simply catches up the older roguelike dungeons to what’s offered in the newest one.

Plans after the expansion depend entirely on how well it does, whether there is a second expansion or not.

I somehow doubt anybody in the office is interested in working on an MMO anytime soon, never mind the insane budget and development time those involve.

machine guns confirmed

See the Crate homepage for a glimpse of the possible new project. Certainly brighter than Grim Dawn anyway. :smiley:

Yeah, i got the second letter in one of the streams later, and it’s “h”.

So it seems that Z was being funny, and last boss starts with “the”, and to get some real info we need to get to 4th letter.

Or it’s Thor, ya? :smiley:

thanks for the reply. I’m quieter now.

and I hope minimun other expansión more! :rolleyes:

Any chance for Early Access for the Expansion?

Come on Crate - i am throwing my wallet at the screen as we speak…

Can’t wait for the Expansion! looks like its gonna be a blast in more ways then 1 :wink: