Grim Misadventure #118: Factions - Coven of Ugdenbog

^ this is very good news!!!

now I need to prepare so I can make a nice coat out of that nemesis beast :stuck_out_tongue:

from some of the lore:

Proper control of the Aether requires years of practice under the careful supervision of the Gildam Arcanum, the only formal office sanctioned to instruct and research the art of the arcane.

So basically government controlled section for the use of the arcane art.

Yes, we only kill Mogdrogen’s Avatar and that says a lot for the lesser 3. We also kill Loghorean, not C’thon as it probably is near impossible for him to come to Cairn. Same might go for Mogdrogen. Too big to pierce the magical barriers, or just they don’t think that action would ever be necessary, while Solael, Bysmiel and Dreeg come in person to punish the next would be gods that could rival them. They are small enough to slip in the cracks of the magical barriers. I imagine the power of a god going into Cairn to be like creating a black hole in the process, and that is why it’s not really desirable by the other gods, but the 3 have no trouble doing whatever so this to me means their presence is insignificant compared to the ones that were not born mortal.
Dreeg got mad ugly cause he didn’t know what he was doing while ascending, :slight_smile: while Solael and Bysmiel did perfect the process and are now a little more than just magic infused, power tyrants.
It seamed to me that their actions were petty in life, petty in “godhood”. :slight_smile: Only somewhat redeemed by the fact that their names are on the Occultist’s skills. If they were ingame as bosses I’d imagine their power level to be lesser than the Avatar of Mogdrogen since he is the finite version of the God, but still filled to the brim with power, meaning the others 3 have to be weaker since they don’t have enough power to warrant even an avatar.

Thanks for the info Zantai!

i am too lazy to reaed anything here

can someone tell me

are tehse factions sacrificial? ie you pick one and you are hostile to the others

please say yes I want to play forever :smiley:

True forgot about that (though I never made a high-level caster :stuck_out_tongue: - can’t seem to get them past lvl 40 or so)

So just that I get it right: the current in game Aetherial 's will be renamed to The Aetherial Vanguard (e.g. early arrivals), and the new Aetherials will be from a different faction? E.g. The Aetherial <fill in something> ?

The Aetherials you haven’t met yet are the Aetherial Vanguard.

Ah so the new area(s) are the starting point of the Aetherial invasion? I’m trying to recall whether we already had lore on that - key elements are of course in the capital with covert influence - but that is not to say they started there.

I think the Aetherials came from Malmouth and then to Port Valbury which took a bit of time to completely take over before eventually getting to Homestead.

Warden Krieg + Fall of Burrwitch Village probably was more recent then both Malmouth/Port Valbury so it would make sense that Malmouth/Expansion would have had more time to establish the creation of more powerful aetherial mutants.

The actual start of the invasion was probably in the capital or wherever the arcanist were experimenting on aetherials in which case one or more got loose or something.

Not sure that arcanist were experimenting on aetherials. The aetherials found a way to breach the veil to the physical realm. They tried to posses key figures before the grim dawn.

What is the name of the capital btw? Tried looking it up but always seems to refer to ‘the capital’. Is it Malmouth?

Erulan is the capital. The throne of the fallen Erulan Empire.

Yeah! My prediction was not wrong. :smiley:

Makes sense :stuck_out_tongue: - do we get to visit it next expansion? :smiley:

Why are they a separate faction? :eek:

Did they start some union since they weren’t get paid well enough? (provided they do get at all)

Interesting story of Ugdenbog, kind of inclined to believe that Korvaak could be one of the named Arkovian Gods now.

I guess the Vanguard is to Aetherials kinda what The Black Legion is to us humans. An elite fighting version/faction.

The rest of the aetherials we fight are mangled corpses made of normal citizens, beasts, and a few misguided mages.

Strength wise vanguards are probably more like commander Lucius or Watchers.

Interesting way to look at it

Well in any case let’s just hope they don’t hit like a bunch of pansies and are more like the Chthonians (#BloodForChthon)

See earlier comments from Zantai - gameplay decision so that you don’t spawn nemesis in the new zones right away.

Probably the other way around, a vanguard are the ones who enter the fray first - SoF yes, but usually more akin to scouts.