Grim Misadventure #119: Inquisitive Advantage

All I want to do is plaaaaaaay while there’s still time. :cry:

Self quote! :stuck_out_tongue:

Off topic on this, so I made a different reply from it: @Zantai - any chance that blade burst can be used by duel wield pistols?

Yes, you understood correctly. Although the Inquisitor seems to match well for example with the Nightblade and Demolitionist masteries it seems that the Inquisitor works too well by itself like the Shaman mastery does.

Seeing Rune of Kalastor description and screenshot, I’m quite surprise to see it doesn’t do any fire damage (without Ignition).

Seems like the only class it might not work well with is Occultist since they have almost nothing in common. Seemingly no pet support with lots of pierce and elemental damage… I will be eager to try to make an occultist/inquisitor

Every mastery is improved by having a second one. Not sure what your problem is.

My favorite GD characters are built around DW pistols so definitely looking forward to try the Inquisitor.

One problem is that this new mastery seems to be too good like the Shaman mastery is. The old masteries are pretty weak compared to the newer ones, but of course this is just my opinion at this point.

The problem with this statement is that you are guessing that old masteries will remain without change on expansion.

That depends so much on… alot. At what point and in what way is Shaman too good? Solo? All the way to Ultimate? You are going to have a hard time convincing someone that Shaman is too good in comparison to say Soldier? I can take a basic Nightblade build and make your Shaman look like a grade schooler but that’s just me =/

This looks amazing. Can’t wait to play it myself!

that actually is a good guess imo, the problem to me is that Shaman is not as good as he claims it is…

How is the Shaman too good ? He might not lack skills for a specific issue (eg no skill to reduce resistances or so), but I do not see him as actually being any better than a Soldier or Demo, which were two of the 3 first masteries…

Probably the first time i see someone say Shaman is too good. I definitely seen some people say Soldier is too good (and they are right) and Demolitionist too (which i agree) but Shaman? Really? It’s not a bad mastery, but i don’t think it holds on it own very well, its full potential comes when it pairs with another mastery, which can be said for every mastery.

I’m seeing Inquisitor being rather squishy. So until they reveal the rest of the skills, i’m gonna hold my full judgement.

Looks great, but can Winter King’s Might skill look more like that new Inquisitor skill? (WKM doesn’t look very mighty right now!)

I have my doubts. Introducing two new masteries, factions, items, constellations, etc. will affect old masteries. My guess is that old masteries will adapt to those changes.

In my opinion the Shaman is too good, because that mastery doesn’t need any other mastery to complement it. For me the Shaman is the easy mode and broke the game a little. And again this is just my opinion.

You probably haven’t beaten Ultimate, definitely haven’t beaten the end game and most certainly gotten into Challenger Crucible (let alone Gladiator)

Shaman has its own strengths but it is far from the strongest class in the game, personal preference is one thing but the fact of the matter is it isn’t on the final candidate list for strongest class

Also, good misadventures. Love new trap skill animations

To anyone wondering about the other exclusive skill for inquisitor

Exclusive Skill - (Can’t remember name)

Grants “-x% Elemental resistance”

Basically it is similar to Veil of Shadows in that it is an offensive aura that deals fire (?) damage to your enemies and reduces their elemental resistance


IIRC Flames of Ignafar has Fumble chances and Reduced Physical Reistance

The only thing I will say with the Shaman is how easy he is for leveling purpose.

Start with Devouring Swarm / Briathorn. You can easily reach Fort Ikon with only those two.
Re-Spec into Two Handed (Falcon Swoop and if you did some Devotion in Crucible probly even Kraken) with the Maul from Homestead. You will reach level 50 (and start Ultimate) quite easily with only that. Once lvl 50 there is a lot of strong 2 Handed option. And it stay tanky (at worst Wendigo will give him Tankiness)

The other class that has a leveling that easy is probably Arcanist (OFF with the Fireblast) but it is a squishy character (Mirror as a 1 point wonder with the damage you are doing in Normal is usually enough to cover you for most boss fight)

Occultist - DEE
Soldier - Blade Arc
Arcanist (already mentioned by you and PRM)

Nightblade is the only one that is kinda hard to level