Grim Misadventure #119: Inquisitive Advantage

So you finished Ultimate as a pure Shaman and had an easy time doing so (easy mode / broke the game a little) ?

Can’t wait to try out the Inqusitor and purge some Mutants.

Really looking good, stoked!

Flames of Ignaffar
”Hold the Stone of Ignaffar in front of you, unleashing a torrent of flame from the palm of your hand for as long as you channel your will into the artifact.”

Filth infects Cairn with its unsanctioned magic. Purge it with purifying flames. Turn all that oppose you to ashes. But should a darker path entice you, corrupt the flames with Chaos by selecting the transmuter.

GM #108.

EDIT: also there’s such a thing as PRM or TSS Warlock.

Where did you get the transmuter from? Nice for a demo or occ build on fire/chaos

What do you mean where? GM #108 stands for Grim Misadventure number 108.

That was my first thought as well.

Even if you could reduce the time for those traps to be armed, I highly doubt it would make any real difference, since 1,5 secs is a pretty small time frame… If anything, a cooldown reduction would benefit you a lot more.

I think it’d be less for benefit and more for play style. For reference, when I played POE, I couldn’t stand trap builds… Until I got a Sunblast, used two jewels to drop the duration to zero, and basically went from Traps to Grenades. It’s a seemingly small difference, but the feel of the gameplay is very different as a result.

Seriously guys, you should reveal more of the Necromancer in the next misadventure, because this is convincing me more to take Inquisitor instead. (and name it Krieger)

I wonder if inquisitor and necromancer classes will do good together or I’ll have to upgrade 2 different charecters to 100 lvl :smiley:

why only two?

Hate to be “that guy” but the chaos transmuter of FoI still doesn’t sit right with me since we already have AAR

Considering the elemental and “Holy” theme of the inquisitors a Fire to Cold conversion seems much more desirable and a “Cold Flames” sounds cool (no pun intended)

Agreed. Cold oriented damage feels right. This way Nightblade won’t be alone.

Man can’t wait for this jewel, this expansion is highly awaited. What to take first, lore, masteries, new content? Hype is real Crate!

And making a request right now seems right to me since after the release it is unlikely they’ll change the transmuter

I don’t want to further derail this thread -

The Inquisitor already has a stack of stuff that synergises with cold and elemental powers and masteries. As was just pointed out above, synergy with Occultist is in comaprison lacking so this is possibly one of the few reasons to max out Occultist in that combination.

As for theme I disagree with you entirely. This is the lore description of Inquisitors…

[i]Trained by the secretive Luminari Order, inquisitors were officially sanctioned by the Erulan Emperor to hunt down and eliminate all eldritch and arcane threats to the empire. This dangerous and thankless duty necessitated some unconventional means of combat, including using the powers of their very enemies against them.

For you see, while most artifacts and relics were deemed too dangerous and in turn ended up locked away in the impenetrable Vault of the Luminari, duty sometimes overcame safety. By studying these powerful relics, the Luminari have learned how to replicate them for their own purposes, in a way turning the very tools once used against humanity to instead defend it. It takes many years of rigorous training before an inquisitor is granted access to this arsenal, and for good reason. A fully initiated inquisitor is as deadly as she is unpredictable.[/i]

Getting hold of an ancient artifact and then deciding to to disobey your teachings to harness the forbidden power is something the Luminari seems extremely worried about. Presenting the option to play a character this way is a very nice touch and 100% in theme.

Personally I am looking forward to trying this out with Gaze of the Guardian and Chaos strike.

I like the new button design at the top! :smiley:

Skilltree looks awesome overall, loving the icon artwork.

Inquisitor Seal reminds me of the TL2 Outlander…in a good way. Curious to see how useful this skill will be, it seems a tad small but I’ll have to try it in action.

Rune of Hagarrad is badass and I’ll be using it like crazy on cold builds. 1.5s arm time is lame.

Rune of Kalastor seems okay…like an on-demand Fissure? This would probably synergize well with Fissure actually. 1.5s arm time is lame.

Artifact Handling is going to be dead on arrival; it’s too niche, like Ulzuin’s Chosen. Skip! 0 points on any build that isn’t 100% focused on both rune skills. If you’re going to make passives for only 2-3 active skills, it needs to really pump those skills up with something interesting, not just “MOAR %DAMAGE LOL”

Aura of Conviction is great. Definitely going to combine this with Flame Touched for a multiplayer support-buff fighter!

Good. Finally another mastery with elemental damage so I can combine it with Arcanist

Doubting so hard between Inquisitor+Demo vs Inquisitor+Arcanist

Flame Touched / Temper
Firestrike / Explosive Strike / Searing Strike / Static Strike / Brimstone
Vindicative Flame / Ulzuin’s Wrath

All seem to synergize quite well with what we have seen from the Inq.

But so would
Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange / Overload / Elemental Balance
Mirror of Ereoctes
Maiven’s Sphere of Protection / Conversion
Inner Focus
Arcane Will

Can we have 3 masteries pretty please? :rolleyes:

An Inquisitor/Arcanist DW two Arcanum Sigillises will be pretty dope!