Grim Misadventure #120: Expanding Legends

how did you figure that out? :rolleyes: Moreover I won’t be surprised if they actually cancel the expac this year and release the hello kitty project instead! :smiley:

I’ll be honestly surprised if we get the expansion before December.

Pfft, everyone knows Hello Kitty is the greatest piece of fiction ever written. Who needs Grim Dawn? :rolleyes:

And then people wonder why we don’t typically give out release dates. :rolleyes:

Prepare to be surprised I guess…

ITT: People whining about release dates.

The “when it’s done” approach works well as long as it isn’t Duke Nukem Forever or Half-Life 3, keep doing what you guys do best. In fact, hopefully the expansion gets delayed long enough to land on my birthday this year :smiley:

oh, the hype!!

Honestly, from what we have seen already, I say the expansion is going to be so good the base game will be lame in comparison. :smiley: Look at the itemization, it will be incredibly more interesting with the addition of item-granted skill modifiers.

Afaik, one of the reasons for the delay is, that they keep adding more content than originally intended.

I see no problem here. :cool:

I will be patient and learn the way of the samurai

The chances it’ll be balanced even halfway in the release are… Slim. That’s not Crate’s fault, it’s the nature of games like this. With two new masteries, a new item tier, and new devotions? It’d be a miracle if it was all balanced somewhat with just two post release patches. I’m expecting more like ten, not counting any hotfixes. It’s the nature of the beast. Devs want a balanced game, players try to push that balance’s limit… And there are many more players working on breaking the game than Devs preventing it.

True, some post-release tuning is going to be necessary. But Ch’thon’s point still stands that the game will be more balanced if they take their time with it than if they didn’t.

This is technically true, but this also wouldn’t be the first time a Dev team actually unbalanced things or left larger gaps due to OVER thinking. Shrug. Balance in all things, and all that.

Lets not forget they have playtesters. If the Devs miss something and their playtesters, many of whom are well known long time players miss something, well, it’ll be down to everyone else to catch and report it ;).

Now that I think of it…and can’t find a more germane place to post it…Do we know if the expansion will have higher minimum system requirements than the basal game? I’m still looking for a new laptop that can actually run the game, and don’t want to undershoot by mistake.

Should be the same. I run the game on an MSI Dominator, and it’s more than over-qualified to do so.

Some more end game play testing before release could ensure that the game won’t be balanced 8 patches later.

Within reason, yes. Add up the Devs and Playtesters, and you’ll find it’s still not an appreciable fraction of the playerbase that will be striving to undo all their hard balancing work. It’s one man versus an entire city kind of odds at that point. It’s an expected issue in games like this, that thrive on and encourage odd interactions of multiple mechanics, items, and skills.

EDIT: When a game thrives on complexity, it should be no surprise that balancing is a complex affair.

Pfft, what’s balance? :rolleyes:

Something we should all strive for in both our gaming and real lives. :wink: All work and no play makes Jack (and Jill) very dull people.

Jack nicholson wasn’t wrong about this.