Grim Misadventure #127: Impending Ashes

that could be interesting :stuck_out_tongue: :D:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I’m quite happy it was priced closer to the upper limit, I beieve the guys deserved every penny and a bunch more. Instant buy, of course.
My now-wife is moving in around those dates, tough prioritization to make :slight_smile:

The gameplay part of the trailer looks great, what are those ice projectile things? Bosses looked great as well.

Waiting for GrimTool update so I could theorycraft again.

What’s about that engine upgrades? Something for XBone©, or simple PC users will get some improvements as well?

The new area’s from the expansion are looking seriously good. :p:p:p

From the Steam Loyalist Upgrade store page:

note that this is an upgrade and so it is priced significantly less than the website Loyalist, since it is only an add-on and does not include the game, future expansion, soundtrack or other materials.

Bosses now look boss-like :aws: Nice! At least we see something starlight breacker worthy :uuu:

hehe I appreciate that but I think someone else might need the xpac for free more than me, I can get it by myself with some arrangements, don’t worry! and thanks again for being awesome!

they really did, didn’t they. the bog probably beats any environment in an arpg in atmosphere and mystery. i mean holy shit, i’ve played d3 and that pales in environmental design and art. i feel like a child again expecting an awesome game that i just know will be good. :smiley:

Oops, how did these sneak in here? They sure look cool. Wonder what they are…

I don’t see the pictures… or whatever sneaked in :slight_smile:

Yes, 19 bucks is pretty big money over here (in Azerbaijan) and I don’t work - i 'm disabled on pension but still would be happy to support the devs for their great work.

I can’t find words… Looks awesome!
Nice work, as usual!
Looking forward to play the sh-- out of it! :slight_smile:

Images should hopefully be good now.

I think they died when the entire internet was spamming F5 at the same time.

I’d just like to say congratulations because I can already tell this is going to be a hit.
Sweet trailer too.

Love the music!

It’s working :rolleyes:

this trailer made me rewatch the TQIT version once again! :rolleyes:


can’t help but compare:p

Nostalgia caught you :smiley:

its ok

right on!, but I think they did a lot better on this one, the TQIT one freaking spoiled and showed most if not all final bosses. :stuck_out_tongue:

My only butt-pain regarding the expansion is that we’re still looking for +/- 1 month before it hits… :cry:

My body is ready.

lays down and stares blankly upward

Damn i want it now! I know you shouldn’t wish your life away but come on october, come on!
As for price, i reckon base game and xpac = most AAA titles in england so well worth it, especially as i’ve over 2000 hrs before xpac!
Buying first day of release! Is it sad i’ll spend ages on the illusionist before anything else?
Loving those “Bunsen Burner” Pauldrons!:stuck_out_tongue: