Grim Misadventure #127: Impending Ashes

Whenever I played Grim Dawn, I always felt the game world was missing large cities or towns. Some large habitat area that will make a meaningful and immersive connection with all other environments, such as green fields, forests, dungeons, deserts, farmlands, croplands, snowy mountains, old castles, graveyards, prison etc.

I am so glad new expansion will fix this and make the whole experience more special.

Well done Crate, looking forward to the expansion

Good to see you back.

There is an Aether/Lightning chain lightning skill from the Arcane Storm set. Maybe that will satisfy your need?

Good to know, still wish it was component based and not as obscure to farm. Thanks for pointing it out.

The version for playtesters already has all items and is adapted to new changes, so there will be no unexpected delays since deploying it to public will take couple of minutes.

Will we be able to reset atribute points on the expansion?

Ohh, what a bummer. Should have asked those Praetorians one by one in private.

Wish the grimtools would update to 55 devotion points and X skillpoints (does it slow down to 1 point per level right away or at 90?). I can’t game, but I can still theorycraft… well… sort of.

Items? no thanks, that would spoil the fun of finding them.

Given the fact that we were asked (can’t find a less harsh word) to not give any information about the new content to people outside of beta testing unless Crate allowed to, i highly doubt any of the Praetorians would have revealed anything to you, even in private.

[2] :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You guys are missing the sarcasm… Snievan asked when Crate would allow the data update and it was answered. You’re answering the question not asked, Snievan has the answer sought, can we move on now?

lol@this conversation. The humor is abound. I guess he gets points for originality.

Not enough points for that tactic to pay off tho :slight_smile:

Where ya headed? Know any good bars around here?

That is unfortunate. Maybe they could work in something else, either damage or utility, to make it worth while or even just increase the duration of the skill disruption to 2 or more seconds, as the current chance to proc is low enough to make it unlikely to chain together.

I really like the idea of this skill but just don’t see it getting much use as it is right now because other Exclusive Skills, and regular skills as I pointed out with the comparison to Veil of Shadow, offer more value. I just hope this gets some kind of change before release while they can make major changes, or just a simple damage buff somewhere down the line.

The elemental resistance reduction is what makes Aura of Censure so good. The not need to cast something to debuff enemies is huge.

It’s actually one of the best Exclusive skills right now.

So it’s coming in October??




Also that trailer music.

TWO new acts??!!!

Well worth the 18 bucks.

I can’t wait to roll up a new Deathknight and play through this game (plus the expac) all over again. :smiley:

I’m not sure if you are responding to my posts since you didn’t quote anything in particular, but I think that I am the only one that has brought up this skill in the thread so I will respond.

I agree that resist reduction is very good and is the only part that I would not change, buff or nerf, as that would drastically change the power of this skill. Not needing to cast is somewhat of a convenience rather than a bonus if you take Constellation Powers in to account, but that will vary with opinion.

My initial point was that it was incredibly similar to Veil of Shadow/Night’s Chill with only a few changes and slightly lower damage while being an Exclusive Skill. They have the same radius at max level (with only a 0.5 difference at Ultimate), they both lower 3 resists (both lower cold and differ in Fire/Lightning and Poision&Acid/Pierce) and they both deal flat damage and DoT (one Cold/Frostburn the other Fire/Burn). The biggest difference between them to me, other than damage type, is the form of disruption (-25% total speed and 20% skill disruption for 1 sec) and in my opinion the 1 second skill disruption doesn’t seem to have as much impact as the total speed debuff. I would emphasize the last part is my opinion and different people will find different value in these forms of disruption but the other similarities are only different in damage type, not function, and much of it is almost the same number for number.

My opinion, and that is all this is, is that an Exclusive skill should offer up something more powerful than what another skill does. So far each Exclusive Skill requires 50 points to be invested in the mastery bar which is a heavy cost, and I think that it should offer more than just a copy of another skill.

Again the biggest difference between the 2 skills was disruption, which is why I suggested more changes there to emphasize the difference between the utility and function of the skills.

I actually want the skill disruption to be removed from Aura of Censure. There’s nothing more aggravating than constantly being disrupted when near reflective enemies. Not to mention skill disruption is just a trash, useless stat.

At the risk of removing the Censure from Aura of Censure, I agree with your sentiment about skill disruption. It is a hard thing to balance, too little chance or duration and it’s useless and too much chance or duration and it’s completely overpowered and could potentially shut down enemies completely. All this balancing act and to top it off it has different impact based on the enemy it is applied to. Applied to an enemy caster it’s great but against a brute it’s hardly noticed.

Another change I would suggest is to simply increase the frequency at which Aura of Censure procs without increasing the chance or duration (I should say at this point I don’t know the frequency at which it occurs, I am assuming it happens once every second, if this is wrong please let me know). This would increase the chance of skill disruption overall and allow for varied amount of duration based on how many chances are applied over 1 second. For example imagine if Aura of Censure proc happens 3 times over 1 second at it’s current chance and duration. If the first chance procs followed by the second chance proc the overall duration would be 1.33 seconds, or if the first chance procs and then the second fails but the third succeeds the overall duration would be 1.66 seconds. It could continue along in this fashion extending the overall duration by a random amount but still having a low enough chance to fail and break the chain allowing for a chance to use skills.

I only suggest this in keeping in line with the idea and name of the skill.
But also :furious: reflect mobs ruining fun

EDIT: did math bad. fixed now

How many acts are there currently? I can sorta see how killing the warden can be the end of act 1 but afterward I have no idea how people are arbitrarily defining which act is what. Maybe entering fort ikon and killing cronley can be the other acts so that means there’s 4 in total?

I would troll and say “why can’t half the acts mean half the price” but to be fair, even if the pricing isn’t proportional it would still be insane value to buy either way in terms of dollar to time happily spent playing ratios.