Grim Misadventure #134: Sand Threats

I did specifically asked Big Z and unfortunately they are not ready for it yet though he mentioned it’s already playable and its core features have been laid out. I am sure they leaving the big announcement/ reveal much later on when it’s all fleshed out! :stuck_out_tongue:

More like sand treats.

Is there any chance with next or future updates to have all graphics options have an “Ultra” settings ? Some more weather in game would be nice, more rain, thunder, lightning, wind, etc would really make the game more immersive than it already is.

let’s probably wait for a couple more years. I guess it’s way too early for a Grim Dawn Remastered Edition :rolleyes:

Common next update !

Would really be nice to encounter enemies with human bodies and animal/monster heads, similar to Anubis look-alikes.
Also theese forgotten gods i presume would have some “ancient” magical instruments, u know, ancient tech, like protosses. Would really be nice.