Grim Misadventure #137: A Patch Near You

Welcome back to Grim Misadventures!

While Forgotten Gods cooks on full burn, we have some more immediate news to share with you today. As we mentioned last time, patch v1.0.6.0 entered testing and is well under way.

Today, we’d like to give you a preview of what’s all to come in Grim Dawn’s latest major content update!

As always, every free content update is filled with tuning adjustments and general improvements in addition to new content and features, so let’s sample what’s in store as we near the release of this patch:

Unleash the Kraken!
Kra’vall, the Ancient of the Waters has stirred within Ugdenbog and awaits daring new morsels. Beware, as its lair is heavily guarded by local Slith, which are certain to defend their aquatic ‘god’.

What better reason to hunt down this beastie though than a one-shot chest and 2 new unique Monster Infrequents? Happy hunting, and good luck!

Shaking up the Crucible
The Crucible’s end-game has stagnated a bit and we’re going to give it a nice big boost, with significant balance changes that should bring new playstyles into the fray.

A quick rundown of some of what’s to come:

  • Defensive Ability is capped at 60% Chance to Hit, meaning enemies will never have a lower than 60% chance to hit you, and vice-versa. As Defensive Ability stacking was a popular choice for surviving the dangers of the Crucible, additional changes are being made to compensate for this and even the playing field.
  • Increased Tributes rewarded at Wave 160 and 170
  • Reduced number of non-boss enemy spawns in the 151-170 range
  • Reduced effectiveness of monster crowd control and fumble effects as well as increased monster susceptibility to crowd control
  • Reduced damage dealt by Nemesis bosses
  • Significantly increased the power and utility of player-constructed beacons
  • Increased the power of Celestial Blessings, particularly for pets

Legendary Collection Grows
Three new sets and with them new opportunities for builds are on the way:

Radaggan’s Folly


The Blood Knight

Qualities of Life
No more level requirements at the Illusionist, look as badass as you want on your new characters right from the gallows!

Track down Nemesis bosses with a new minimap icon that displays their position when they are near!

Balance Changes
Over 60 changes to items in addition to adjustments to every mastery. Pet skills are seeing some major changes for the pet lovers out there to experiment on.

Bosses had their innate resistances rebalanced so that they have a better spread across all the various damage types, rather than more frequently penalizing Physical and Pierce damage.

All this and more (MOAR!) is coming posthaste as we wrap up testing in early May and get Patch v1.0.6.0 out to you!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 05/14/2018 for the next Grim Misadventure.

Attachment: Kra’Vall_01.jpg
Attachment: Nemesis.jpg
Attachment: Kraken.jpg

Woooooow great work :smiley:

Great job, love the Nemesis icon and can’t fait for the new sets !

Oh great… The requests were finally answered… The Nemesis Tracker is finally here! :stuck_out_tongue:

and Kravall… loghorrean reskinned?:rolleyes: hopefully he has some boss soundtrack this time…

great preview…

Oooh I wonder if that Rimetongue set is an upgrade to silver sentinel. Similar looks, and the name would make sense.

I assume that what’s in the crucible section only affects crucible right ?

Oh man, such wonderful changes! That Nemesis icon is very much appreciated. I’m excited for the new boss and its MI but I have to admit that I’m a little dissapointed that it’s just a reskin of Loghorrean, although I understand that creating a new model would be too time consuming for such a small crew.

Yay, re-skinned boss who kill you on 1 attack with this SUPER BALANCED game!


Yes /10char :wink:

Yaayyyy, another giant vagina to to fight against…

MOAR is not enough. Need MOoOOOaRRR

So Chthon’s revered champion is just a pathetic ripoff? A mere imperfect copy of the pristine, venerable being?

That’s amusing!

I can’t wait for this…Any new achievements for us to get?

Nemesis Radar is really Sweet QoL…<3

Thanks so much for this one!

Patch hype =)

Great! I hope there is some more lore with Kra’vall, the Ancient.

Firstly Z, Is that Kra’vall Screen from in game? Cause it looks awesome :cool:

Secondly I seriously hope Rimetongue doesn’t suck ass like it did in the preview

Third those other QoL changes I thought they were to be part of Forgotten Gods. Did I miss something?

Finally, I hope Kra’vall isn’t just a “hey everyone!” kind of boss and he has actual lore

Thanks ! :slight_smile: Seems logical but i hope this attempt of a more permissive CC against bosses will somehow reach the main game

Crucible monsters used to have additional CC resist, in the next patch they will match the campaign. So…wish granted?

Meticulously so. :wink: