Grim Misadventure #137: A Patch Near You

Tasty, tasty patches. I wasn’t expecting a Nemesis radar of all things. :smiley:

Almost as amusing as the fact that I’ll now be able to Illusion your set into something much cooler right from the off. :cool:

The Kra’vall picture is an in-game screenshot.

Ok i didnt know, tanks for the clarification :slight_smile: i wont reopen the “CC against bosses” file then :smiley:

Very nice! cant wait to see the pet changes etc!

I know its free content but how hard is it to make a new design. Kraken boss exactly looks like LOG. at least some effort should have been made. I do hope he has a different attack animation just to compensate and hopefully way more powerful than log.:undecided:

This one might kill you with more than 1 attack, who knows

Super funny game, right?

GD is frustrating. I don’t like frustrating games.

Personally, I don’t mind the re-skin. This one actually looks… idk, menacing, I guess? Maybe it’s just the lighting :-j I do hope for some music for the fight though.

And I really love the design of the first set :x The other two… not so much ^^’

I am glad they are showing us the boss before release, that way they can hear our thoughts. I’d say change a bit his design just to differentiate from log. Change his face, give him different eyes or whatever.

We’ve never seen how Log looks like by the time of I hope the two ain’t just twins.

" Beware, as its lair is heavily guarded by local Slith, which are certain to defend their aquatic ‘god’."

I don’t understand a bit… Does Slith wasn’t created @Hargates Lab?

They have ancient god? Ummm what?:undecided:

Wasn’t Elena was the first slith?

And besides there is many things in lore, that tell us that slith - intellectually not far away from “beasts”. If so, how they can have something similar to religion?

Boss really similar to Loghorrean the Voice of Ch’ton…

And one more thing, logically “Kraken - was the god of the seas” - what he is doing in Ugdenbog… I understand that this is fantasy world of Cairn, so ok than…

I have no problem with reusing Log. These bosses we see once (well 3 times actually) could use more airtime imho. The picture looks great. What’s more interesting to me is where these defensive changes in the cruci will lead. Also loving the changes to pet builds, maybe now I can finally make one that will kill Log at the ultimate level…

Maybe just maybe there is a reason it looks like the Loghorrean. :stuck_out_tongue:

you may be right, I will reserve my opinion after testing and when my toons get tentacle-raped:rolleyes:

When it comes to free content, they can reuse as much as they like as far as I’m concerned. shrug

Of course a completely new design would have been awesome, but I ain’t gonna complain, especially since he still looks the part despite the similarities to ol’ Logface.

Well, slith were created… like a centuary ago? some could have wandered to Ugdenbog and come under influence of this creature. Besides, I remember there being some kind of slith altar in a cave on the way to Burwitch. So, there are hints to a religion at least.

I bet, their mother was an easy gal. Interracial intercourse, something of that kind. :smiley:

it is funny yes:D

Um, “some effort” was made…

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Never knew Loghorrean had mouth arms. Neat.