Grim Misadventure #142: A Shattering Revelation

This game mode looks really promising but I am also a little bit worried about clocks. On the other hand I hope that Crate will not give it too punishing effect for not meeting the finish on time or as you said to be too pushy.

what am thinking is the one very positive of this misadventure is we are one thread closer to the palamastery reveal!:wink:

so basically the crucible as an “endless” dungeon? Sounds promising.

I don’t mind a timer for high score leaderboards but I am not a fan of rewards being bound to it, cause that divides quick/efficient builds from those we actually want to play and enjoy even further.

There might not be many of us left but a few legit folks are still out there. We will never get the green pants, boots, or jewellery with super specific rolls which most powerbuilds are using, pretending they drop like regular legendaries. I don’t consider trading legit in an offline based game either.
Please don’t forget many builds achieve the status quo in crucible clear times only with “best in slot” items.

Cheers for the reveal. Will have to try it out to see how this timer works, personally not into the idea of being “rushed” as it’s possibly going to mean that fast clear speed builds are going to be the “norm” and slower tankier builds being less so…rushing and not stopping to have the time to check stats etc on gear that drops.

Have to ask as I thought this new game mode was going to be for new chars as well, but you’ve got to get to the Korvan Plateau to start this…confused.

Still I’m sure it will all make sense and I’m keeping an open mind until I get my hands on it.

Well, Zantai said FG could be accessed after you kill the Warden. He never said it would be a good idea to do so. :smiley: We’ll find out when we get to try it. A lot of people level up in Crucible so maybe this will work in the same way. :undecided:

Guessing that was on a dev stream?? as last I remember reading was it would be accessible for new chars, still things change as they ever do.


30th March:
“Zantai_GD :you will be able to experience it very soon after rolling a character, if you wish”

25th May:

“Does it mean you wont have mobility skills while leveling?
So if you look at the tooltip you’ll see the level requirement is 15 and that’s because you can get these pretty quickly in the game. The reason being that the Forgotten Gods’ content actually begins right after you finish off Warden Krieg in the first Act of the game. It does not progress directly after you finish the Ashes of Malmouth content.”

“Will us doing the Forgotten Gods content immediately after Krieg over-level us and hurt our faction gains from defeating trash mobs?
We are going to adjust the level ranges in Forgotten Gods so that shouldn’t be a huge concern, but level up at a higher level after Krieg I suppose, yes.”

"Can some quest-lines be missed if you start FG before talking to some NPC’s from base game+AoM?
No, you will not be locked out of any existing quests if you go straight into Forgotten Gods. You might notice some changes in certain quest areas if you go to Forgotten Gods, but it will not block you from doing quests.

Cheers :smiley:


I don’t like the timer thing however I think it will be like the crucible where ennemies don’t drop loot and you only find the loot at the end.
I think you will have the more chests the more you progressed in the shattered realm so you will have the time to look to the loot.

Yes of course, most people feel that way. But that is in the past. When ros was released, d3 had no propper endgame, so rifts were very welcome, cool and fun to play. But that was years ago, and nothing really changed, except the constant power creep. D3 has nothing to offer but rifts. Yes yes, seasons. But what do you do in the seasons? Rifting, that´s what! :smiley:

I want to add, that I also am not happy with timed events, so …please no?

As much as i want to be jumping from joy i am a tad disappointed as this looks and smells like D3 Grifts + timers… anything with time limit should be burned - please reconsider :slight_smile:

Count my voice against the timers too. I’m quickly getting tired of races.

I’m shattered.

Surprised at the negativity regarding timer. We don’t know how much impact missing it will even cause to loot… Nor do we know if it only gives time for top-tier builds to complete…

I think balancing the finite resource of time remaining vs shard and chunk (presume these are acquired during the run??) is something to make each run potentially more engaging and unique. I like the idea but without knowing the mechanics and how the game mode itself works regarding loot none of us can say if it’s a good thing.

Is the game mode accessed in the main campaign in the Plateau then? Or will it be accessible on the main menu after unlocking it? Or both?

Glad the areas are not simply repeated Cairn areas. Overall really excited for this :).

Yes, it’s accessed in the main game. It’s not separate like the Crucible, but you will need Ashes of Malmouth to play FG since it has items for Inquisitor/Necromancer in it.

The reason I react so strongly is because it actively shifts the discussion on what it means to be a “viable” build. I enjoy this game so much because there is a sense of a character having an endpoint, but with rifts, when is the actual endpoint? After 50 of these rifts? 100? When someone asks, “hey, is this build viable?” what measure do we use to answer that? The whole thing looks ripe for people to start piling on other people’s threads about how trash the build is because they don’t meet some arbitrary Rift Number standard, but that’s the sort of thing I’ll wait and see.

Besides, we already have Grimtools for theorycrafting potential builds regardless of if I have the expansion or not, and there are plenty of excellent mods with this game that take a good long time to be able to be compatible with the expansion anyways, so there is plenty of incentive of not buying the expansion.

While I don’t mind the idea of timers, faster clear times are already inherently more rewarding. Is it then necessary to have a loot penalty for slower builds? Of course, if there’s no penalty whatsoever, then there’s no point in even having timers. I think people would be even less happy if they got kicked out of the rift when the timer ran out.

We still don’t know some of the specifics of this new game mode. Is there a cost associated with entry? Do you have to kill a certain number of monsters to progress, or will players just rush to the boss?

Crucible was never really my thing due to its arena-based nature, so this new mode sounds a lot more appealing to me.

Zantai also mentioned some changes to the roguelike dungeons, which has me curious. I don’t have any good guesses as to what those changes might be.

Builds will be viable in the same way they are, or are not, for Crucible. As far as I know FG will be an option to play same as AoM. You don’t have to do it and you don’t have to do the new game mode if you don’t want to. So my guess is we will have main campaign builds, Crucible builds and FG new game mode builds - pretty much the same as we already have.

So you are blaming the game design decisions for people being mean?
No matter how you do it, there will always be someone pretending they’re better than others, or will try to provoke competition. It’s not about the game.
I actually think this game mode will ease the toxicity around Crucible, as many ppl from “I’ve done 170 15sec faster than you, looser” category will move to this mode.

MC and Crucible have an end point. I think the intention for this game mode is to provide a challenge that doesn’t have one. If it doesn’t suit your playstyle then it’s not for you, and nothing more. There will be a lot of people who enjoy such things. There’s no way to please everyone.

There’s still a lot of uncertainty about how it will work, so I think it’s early to judge.

Well, maybe we’ll get some clues in the stream on Friday if the devs do one.