Grim Misadventure #143: Challenging Expectations

Hey, I think that’s a really good idea. So, for example, you could enter a Chthonic rift and suffer a penalty to your Chaos resist while you’re in there.

I notice the Depraved Sanctuary. Anything that encourages players to travel to rarely-visited areas is welcome to me. I haven’t been there for years. Aaah, memories…

Could we hope for maybe more lore-friendly designation for the areas?
I’m really bothered by the “Roguelike dungeon” as there is still nothing “Roguelike” in those: no procedural generation, no permanent death, no turn-based (for the most important criterias to be like Rogue).
They don’t even qualify for “Roguelite”.
Having instead something more neutral or more lore-friendly wouldn’t change anything for those that don’t care and it would be an improvement for the others.
Ultimately, “Roguelike” doesn’t mean anything in the Grim Dawn universe (as they never had Rogue).

Even if they were indeed roguelike it’d still be a terrible name. Hopefully it’s just a placeholder.

Noice. Hope we get a date soon and the option to pre-order it on steam.

Ps.: My expectations that we’re getting a new mastery is running low. :o

I am 99.99% sure that this will require the purchase of the expansion. So probably not. Crate has given us enough free content.

If you die in a rouguelike, you kinda loose they key invested and the chance to get boss drops etc. and have to start over. Yay.
If you want to play really rougelike-style, maybe play hardcore? Just a thought.

I don’t really understand the reward portion of this. I have rares turned off in my loot filter and just press alt if I happen to kill one of the few MI mobs that aren’t useless.

Why would anyone turn on 3 mutators in a dungeon to get an extra blue? For softcore it would just make it take longer. For hardcore it’d risk the character. I feel like dungeons are a bit unrewarding for the time spent compared to other content (some are worse than others).

For example I ran Ancient Grove twice this weekend and it probably took me an 45m-hour. I got 3 legendaries (and some recipes off vendor and chupa). Blues barely even count on the radar.

I probably get 6-10 legendaries an hour just doing twin hills and cronley. Doing a roguelike actually costs me a part of a legendary item (the key can be considered 1/6th of a 75 legend).

There are some significant gaps in itemizing a character in this game right now, but this doesn’t fill it in any needs that I can tell. It’s basically impossible to fill out a 75 set of legendaries before your character is 90+ and looting the next tier. I’ve actually got like 5 level 75 characters and probably not more than 2 pieces for any set.

If you want to make mutated roguelikes have a niche why not make it so mutated versions are guaranteed to drop a set item that uses one of your masteries?

There’s gotta be a better reward than spamming us with more instances of loot we already don’t pick up.

Hmm not feeling this really - why would we get Mutators (which make sense in the Crucible environment) for some extra epic in a Dungeon? I mean really - Epics? If it was like 5x the number of legendaries - would make sense to compensate for the bigger time investment from the player to clear the dungeon with the extra mutators, otherwise apart from some challenge in Campaign dont see the point of it as of now (probably there is more to it than revealed though).
And anyway top challenge will remain Crucible (probably new waves?) and Rifts i assume?

Yeah, like me last night making it all the way to Gargabol and dying :(:(.

No, it’s part of the FG expansion for which you will need to have Ashes of Malmouth installed since it adds Inquisitor and Necromancer items.

As testing hasn’t started yet a release date is unlikely to say the least. As they did for AoM I expect it will be announced in a GM a few days before the release date. And Zantai’s already said several times there won’t be a pre-order option.

Yes, the drop rates in this game are very far from “generous” in my opinion. I just don’t understand why so many players think it’s fine. I guess they like having to depend on trade with other players all the time. I was about ready to quit the game for a while until I started using the Smash N’ Grab mod that boosts drops for blues and purples. The vanilla drop rate for blues and purples on Ultimate would probably be ok if GD had some kind of smart loot feature that tilted the loot tables in favor of items your current character is more likely to use. But I realize that due to the class and build diversity, with things like damage conversion, a smart loot system just isn’t feasible. Which is fine, but with that being the case, more high tier items need to drop in order to compensate.

Unless general drop rates are tweaked with the Forgotten Gods update, it’s going to be even harder to find the items you want because the pool of possible items will be larger. Anyway, thank goodness for mods that fix the problem. At least for me…I’m well aware that I’m in the minority on this subject within this community forum.

And yeah…an extra blue or two in exchange for the mutators? Doesn’t seem worth the bother. Another reason I hope they make all of this Challenge Area stuff optional like I said in a previous comment. Let’s not just assume that everybody wants Crucible mechanics in the main campaign. Even for those who might not mind the mutators, maybe they wouldn’t necessarily want to deal with them all the time. Perhaps one day a player just might not be in the mood for it, and would rather have the assurance that the whole dungeon will be cleared instead of raising the stakes with mutators.

I feel the same way, I already nearly never pick up rare items but I have to leave the filter on to not miss the one in a million double rare (that I have not found so far, of course) that might make a build by itself.

I’d rather get a higher chance of a double rare, or more sets, or more blueprints (a personal pet peeve, try to complete these without trading/editor, I dare you).

This is a feature included with the Forgotten Gods expansion.

The challenge areas will apply to most side areas in the game that were already intended to be more challenging than the main path. Now those areas will be a little more varied and a Lot more rewarding.

However you feel about the name, that is officially what these dungeons are and have been since their inception. One “life” to claim the reward inside, and with these Mutators, there will be that much more variability.

If you have Rares toggled off then you are potentially missing out on some of the best gear in the game.

The extra Epic can roll Legendary, particularly on Ultimate difficulty.

Ultimately, there is effectively what these areas will do.

Much higher chance of double rares, the extra unique drops can be sets or helmet blueprints.

Interesting. Will the mutators be set per session? So to change them will we need to exit to the main menu and start again?

its not always about loot. there are plenty of people who have a dozen versions of every item in the game that just want more challenging content. During playtesting of previous xpack I already suggested a way to craft Skeleton Keys. Keys that would have a mutator on them just to make the rogue dungeons more challenging and variable instead of always the same boring actions.

However for challenge, not everyone likes Crucible. It is cancer to my eyes and tedious as hell going through the waves. So having new areas with mutators is a perfect balance of the two. It also, partially, caters to the need of people wanting more randomly generated areas.

From what I gather. The content on Normal will have no mutators, Veteran will have 1, Elite will have 2 mutators and Ultimate 3 mutators. With the opponents also scaling to your level. I really like that.

Overall I can’t wait to test this and see how it goes with my HC characters.

This is already addressed in a previous misadventure where you can use a new crafting NPC to alter a useless legendary into another legendary item. Randomly. But it still increases the chance of getting rid of the 15th duplicate into something you might actually need.

[/li]Maybe you because you can 8 legendaries an hour by farming. And a shit ton more for lower levels by just simple playing multiple characters? I never relied on trading and still ended up with 10-12 completed sets of most things. Without exploiting bugs… like Dikkie once did during playtesting hehe.

The way drops work… Each item has x lvl. Your character has Y lvl. In a range of that Y level you get the chance of getting loot of a limited amount of X lvl items. Most of those item pools while leveling is fairly small. Thats why you get a ton of Fist of Rebukes and such for example. Once you’re lvl 90+ you get primarily lvl 94 items which is a large item pool since ALL top tier gear is in that range. Larger pool of items, less chance of getting the exact item you want. Still not a big deal since you get 8-10 legendaries an hour fairly easily. So after a few weeks of farming 3-4 hours a day you should have quite a lot already. If you’re not willing to put in the time then stop complaining. This games drop rate is already much more rewarding then most games without it nullifying the value of such an item.

If you want lvl 68-75 legendary gear there is only a small window in which to get them. Since your character level will out range the loot tables quite fast. Which wasn’t the case before Ashes of Malmouth. Which meant we were at that lvl and could just farm indiscriminately. Which is less newer player friendly. Once again the new crafting npc should alleviate that problem to some degree.

I think we started calling them rogue dungeons for convenience sake. We know they’re not real full blown roguelike experiences. But Medierra never claimed they would be. He simply said they would be inspired by such dungeons more due to the bullethell action he tried to get and the key that gives 1 chance to claim the reward.

Pretty much this. But you’re always going to get the rogue-like freaks crying foul over the designation.

Guess I don’t totally blame them… I’m pretty insistent on calling a diablo-like a freaking diablo-like instead of an arpg. The irony being that diablo’s are pretty much just real-time rogue-likes. The very first Diablo just might be the only “diablo-like” tho to really attempt to earn its rogue-like heritage.

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While I do see where you’re coming from (because I’m pretty much there myself), it does kinda need to be a bit about loot, though, for those that don’t have it all and need to run this content to get it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure how I feel about this… Many of these areas are a challenge already even on Veteran with certain builds, while yeah, other builds can breeze through them. But on Ultimate, I feel things are hard enough - that Basilisk boss can kill my 100th level Conjurer with one or two shots easily and I could so far, not survive in the death room even with all resistances maxed out due to the environmental hazards. Now I imagine all that with mutators and… well it will be hard.
Will the mutators be randomly set btw each time you enter these areas? Or stay the same during one session?

Alternate question: will a multi-floor dungeon like the roguelikes have persistent mutators or will they change from floor to floor?

I think the problem here is, that way too many greens drop.
Outside of dungeons you can just pick them up and sort them later, but in a dungeon your inventory will fill up pretty quickly. So you need to stop and sort greens in the middle of the dungeon, which is quite tedious. Or check them even before picking them up. Personally, I don´t like to stop my killing spree every 10 meters to check out potential “best gear in the game”.

Maybe let us actually S E L L stuff at the vendors in the rogue likes? Imho an easy fix. Not sure why we can´t sell there anyhow.

Looking forward to this, sounds like a lot of fun and I’m always happy to get extra rolls for better loot.

Also, in regards to getting lvl 64-75 legendaries, you can always visit Etram Fald and gamble some materials for items in that level range. Granted, you trade the materials to gamble, but it’s a guaranteed purple.

Lastly, not really understanding why some people are so adverse to trading; I’ve had good success with it.

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