Grim Misadventure #143: Challenging Expectations

I haven’t played most of the games you mentioned, so I’ll take your word for it. I did play D3 for 900 hours and Victor Vran. I gave up Victor Vran before really getting to any end game though, because it pissed me off that they put so much XP behind a “don’t use this ability” wall. I mean, in an ARPG aren’t we always trying to make our character as powerful as possible? Why then tie XP gain to something that forbids you from using an ability that you’ve invested skill points in? Screw that.

Anyway, maybe loot is generous according to ARPG standards. Perhaps I was spoiled a bit by D3. However, though it’s certainly easy to find legendaries on Ultimate, it is rather difficult - IMO - to find whole sets that actually fit your build if you’re shooting for something that is end-game worthy. Most of the posts I see in the trading threads are asking for more than one or two items. And judging by how many forum members have taken the time to type up and maintain their long list of items available for trade, that tells me that they’re pretty heavily relying on trade to acquire items.

I understand I’m in the minority with not being satisfied by the drop rates in GD. A big thing that makes it worse for me is that I only have one character. I started playing in March and I’m still playing the same character after 300 hours play time. I have hit max level but still have a ways to go gear wise. So since I don’t have a dozen characters - and really don’t have a definite idea in mind for my next one - 99% of the loot drops are useless for me at this point. I am aware that GD encourages multiple character play and has huge build diversity, and I’m not playing it that way at the moment.

With that said, IF it didn’t take so long to get the end-game worthy build completed, I would move on and make another character. The devs say they want you to “finish” a character’s development so you can play others, but as it stands now that still means many hundreds of hours because truly finishing the potential of your character means finding all the necessary gear.

What I should probably do is simply take a break from the lvl 100 character and get some others going. But my OCD won’t let me lol. I really really want to max out the one I already have. Just my personality I suppose.

Anyway, the whole point of mods is for players to be able to alter the game to make it more interesting or enjoyable in their own eyes. Player X may think mod A makes the game more fun and improves on it, while Player Y may feel that mod A is unnecessary or makes the game too easy or something. But neither player is objectively “wrong” just because they don’t agree. So for my part, I will keep using the Smash 'N Grab mod (just wish I had gotten it working 200 hours ago) and be grateful the GD devs made the game moddable.

If you intend to make another char or two, I recommend doing so now and levelling them in parallel. Twice the drops means a better chance of finding the right gear for everyone.

Alternatively look for a mod to increase drop rate, there is not a one size fits all solution, people have different opinions on what a ‘fair’ drop rate is

This! I have 1 character in ultimate, lvl 93, still using a lvl 35 weapon because RNGesus knows I’m an apostate (and I don’t mean the class). Right behind her I have 2 characters ~lvl 70, working Elite in pair - much better gearing for both of them, plus a smattering of good-but-not-BiS items from the 93.

I didn’t see this feature coming, awesome!
I also didn’t expect it to be this controversial…
imo a toggle may be a good idea, but in the long run most players will play with the toggle on anyway

concerning drop rates:
I also feel that Grim Dawn is very generous in its drop rates, however, it also has a lot of legendaries to collect and especially completing sets can be a bitch
I have to agree with rebel on his drop experiences, mine are pretty much similar, but I don’t mind
I am wondering though, aren’t people from the other camp exaggerating their drops a bit? I mean, there is quite a gap between 6 legendaries per hour compared to 2…

Lets not forget then that this is also an area that FG is going to address.
Grim Misadventure #135: Quality of Sets

Lets not forget then that this is also an area that FG is going to address

yes, it will
I should have mentioned that… :eek:

It will help but not fully resolve the issue.

They really need to allow sets to match across tiers too.

huh ? so a regular, empowered and mythical piece of a set count as a full set ? Don’t see why this is a ‘really need’…

Because people playing the game have no hope of finding more than 1 piece of a set they want to try while naturally leveling through the story. They move through the level range things drop in too fast, and it will repeat itself again with FK. I suppose the reason they didn’t do this to begin with is because the set bonus powers scale differently but they could always just set the bonus to the lowest tier piece you have equipped.

…because that isn’t how items/sets work internally.

Also, powbam’s post still solves the issue you bring up here:

Because people playing the game have no hope of finding more than 1 piece of a set they want to try while naturally leveling through the story.

IF the piece they find is craftable, because then they can craft it ad infinitum to reroll it into other set pieces. Also, I don’t think anyone should be able to complete an entire endgame set while leveling through the story, and I’m reasonably sure Crate agrees with that opinion.

Challenge Areas

The examples use existing areas. Will this be added to the base game or require the expansion?

I sometimes find two pieces in one session (and no, I do not play for 8 hours straight or so, usually just from one riftgate to the next)

They move through the level range things drop in too fast

yes, do not expect to complete e.g. a level 40 set while you are still in that level range, but so what, it’s not like you need a complete set. If you want to collect it, you need multiple chars for that (or die your way down again to stay in the level range…)

I suppose the reason they didn’t do this to begin with is because the set bonus powers scale differently but they could always just set the bonus to the lowest tier piece you have equipped.

it is due to how sets are defined internally, but I also don’t really feel like I a) will ever want a regular piece that is from level 30 or so together with my mythical pieces from level 70 or so.
About the only time this makes any kind of sense is for legendary level 75 sets and their level 94 counterpart. That is a level range you do not outlevel however…

Since you changed your argument to address something I didn’t say and is borderline irrelevant, I mean whatever.

The problem is that the 75 (and soon to be 94) sets you find leveling are no longer end game and very hard to complete in a meaningful time frame because you aren’t in the window for drops for any amount of time.

It would be a big help in gearing if those pieces you did find actually gave a set bonus as you went through the game.

If I was to look at my GD Stash right now, I’ve got some 4/5 pieces of the 94 sets, but probably no more than 2 pieces for any 75 set even after turning in tons of appropriate items to the smith. I’ve got 1500 hours played or so according to steam, most of it in AoM.

I was really only talking about the 75/94 sets on my post sorry if I wasn’t clear on that.

But picture this, bam you’re in FG with your 5/5 lvl 94 set and a 104 piece drops. Oh well, can’t use it cause not worth breaking bonuses - into GD Stash it goes. Feelsbadman. Second piece drops. Well still can’t use it. Have to collect basically the entire 5/5 104 version of it. After 1500 hours I wouldn’t swear i have 5/5 of any set and for sure not for any character I play.

So is there any button to turn on/off or anytime we enter the dungeons/ares, it randomly rotates the difficulty?

the 94 sets definitely stay endgame and the 75 are only slightly worse, so they too stay endgame

that won’t happen, there will not be a new tier… I expect some new 75 and 94 sets for a new mastery and to fill some gaps, but there won’t be higher sets

EDIT: apparently what Zantai said was higher rarity, but even so I doubt there will be another tier so soon after the last one, so my expectation still is new sets for the new mastery and to fill some sets, no new 10x-level tier

Zantai has already said that the level cap will stay at 100, so we’re probably not getting gear above level 94
I don’t know about a new tier, but it would make no sense and is highly unlikely

and no, I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect full set drops in one playthrough
to me a big part of the fun of these games is the loothunt, and when I use the term hunt, I don’t feel I should be greeted by waves of rabbits that then jump into my arms

Interesting, seems an awfully big mistake to do an xpack without increased level cap and set upgrades for everyone to collect (since that’s what basically everyone does at max lvl).

New sets to farm and new regular legendaries that can be an upgrade to several builds though? Accomplishes the same thing without needing to make an entire new tier of items.

The devs did say the level cap will be similar to the current one, so maybe the level cap will be 105. 5 levels don’t warrant an entire new tier of items.

I don’t think it’s a mistake… having all the exact same sets at another tier AGAIN is just lazy design to me. If they are going to do this, then I will not play this game again because I don’t want to spend another 1000 hours finding all these sets again. I have already done this twice, not going to do it the third time.

And no, for many players this game, when they reach max level, they try to create other characters and work on new builds, or just try to perfect the current builds with better item at the same level. So no, I would disagree with you on what everyone in GD does at max level. And that’s why Crate works on creating brand new items, instead of just creating another tier for the current items.

However, I do hope they figure out how to avoid repetitive plays in story mode to encourage players to create alts and explore new builds with their alts.