Well 15th of march is my birthday but i would be happy if it’s released before. F***k my bday who cares!
Holy crap, that map artwork looks fantastic!
Nice. Where can I get this image that is now the wallpaper for the foruns (the one with the pyramids and the ruins)?
isn’t it just zoomed in version of the Forgotten Gods warrior? you can find it here http://www.grimdawn.com/media_wallpapers.php
download the folder and un-zip it
Yes, but the one from here seems to have better resolution.
Real question: Ive been putting off making another toon for awhile now (since november) as ive been waiting for the new exp.
Should i make a new char and go through all the difficultiys? or wait and have a binge of all the char i have not dabbled with when the exp comes out
Seriously this is a major block in my day to day life!
right click and select view background image…
Hmm maybe
ten chars
sad it has been introduced here and not part of the set:
Can’t see this option.
So hyped for this expansion, I have been waiting for biomes like this for a long time!
i’m just wait for new dlc for a long time.
i will still wait.
I’m going to be the only one to say this but glad it’s not being released today nor till after the 18th. Gives me time to get my current build into ultimate. In act 4 elite level 78, didn’t care to have a character in ultimate and buy expansion and start a new guy with new class. Having a character still in elite kicked my ocd into overdrive for not wanting to play old characters in elite after launch.
Oh come on Crate - we were supposed to get a release date or Grimtools availability for mortals… or the trailer at least…
You are Cruel people
You get to this new area. Where will it be located and how to get to it?
That you will find out when FG drops. Zantai has said it can be entered from all the major hubs in the game.
Ty so much.
You enter a portal somewhere in the game and will be teleported to this place, which is a brand new continent.
Open image? View image?
It’s something most any browser should be capable of. I did it just fine not long after the forum update.
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the map looks awesome ! i really hope that we can see this change to the whole world map… i want them seperated like this. Act I till the warden then act II and so on. Its alot better as it is atm. so confusing and the ashes part of the map is the worst one