Grim Misadventure #162 - Riggs' Request

The post limit’s been increased over the years. Think it started at 30000.

No patch at least give us the changelog :smiley:

Looking forward to annihilating my throat on another patchnotes analysis to then receive additional “Your voice is really amazing but a 5 hour video is way too long dude” comments.


Seems to be the system’s favourite number. Iirc someone else tried to post a long post a little while back and it came up with that same 45107. :rofl:

Oh boy, patch notes! Forum body may not be ready, but my body is ready!
#deadbuilds #whythenerfs #imgonnapostanegativereviewonsteam

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This was mine:



penetti missile lightning shadows <3
Hopefully before friday :smiley:

You should make a 5 hour video, and then a 30 minute recap of the video. And possibly a 5 minute teaser for the recap. :laughing:

I will make sure to comment “5 hours is too short can’t get enough of that sexy voice of yours”

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Sounds like an adoomgod video.

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Not that long ago I created a thread wishing for the addition of more dynamic lighting into the game. Let’s just say…someone left a surprise in the seat of my pants.


Gotta kill off 107 characters?

George R R Martin and Solael have entered the chat


You guys are the best !

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at the moment i really dislike the fact, that i cant play cruci or SR only chars because you have to farm all factions to the highest reputation for the resi augments… it would be alot better if there were a different option to claim them… I played all chars through all storys but my new ones i play only in SR or cruci for lvling and because its fun but at some point you have to do the faction stuff and thats a little lame… maybe a lvl requirement or so makes alot more sense (crafting them makes more sense).

2nd thing is about SR timer… why isnt it stopping if you cleared a lvl , it makes no sense why not…

That Panetti pic looks like it’s from Grim Dawn 2! :open_mouth:

Presumably they can’t for whatever reason. It was brought up long ago in testing for FG/SR testing and as you can see it still doesn’t do that.

This is EXACTLY what I wanted you guys to implement in the game !
I felt bad about the maw not being dungeonable. I actually wondered if suggesting it being the roguelike dungeon would be a good idea… I guessed you already began working on a different roguelike dungeon and asking for it would be too late, but you did exactly what I was hoping !

Thumbs up for the best game devs in the world !!

i’d like to see how end-tier crucible and sr players on very high particles see what’s happening on the screen through 9001 fogs, smokes, and explosions.

Is it later this week yet? 11 hrs is long enough! :slight_smile:


The performance is much better nowadays and it be another step soon again.
It be interesting to see the changes