it’s the engine updates thats giving all of us a hint that Crate is up to something:
I see what you are doing here… 'Building " Grim Dawn 2"on top of the base game. ’ This engine is far from being outdated and far too precious to be thrown away like trash. So from here on it can only continue…
I wont be surprised if we get an expansion announcement after Rigg’s update.
Lovely update, will play again when this comes patch hits this weekend
I can’t wait!!!
That deferred rendering looks so good!
But you are very optimistic. I hope you are right. Grim Dawn program them during their working hours.
I wonder all the time what they do in their free time. Hopefully, Zantai thinks up the screenplay for Grim Dawn 2. Maybe it’s already finished.
He would have a lot of sleepless nights all the time, fighting all the bosses in his dreams
I would like to know what is in the south of Devils Crossing …
Plays Starcraft with Medierra et al.
This all looks wonderful… I’m really looking forward to the new renderer. I usually play near highest graphics settings and in campaign the game runs pretty damn well even already (i7, GTX 970).
That eerie, underground zone in the screenshot which I’m guessing leads to the new dungeon looks gorgeous
They really should add it. I believe lots of people are waiting for it. Dark Wizard with red or green patterns. Just imagine a red off-hand staff.
@Zantai and @Allminoxy the image with the bridge in the dark room in high resolution with a Grim Dawn watermark at one of the corners would make a great wallpaper. Love the style.
As for the quest itself I am pumped. Great Misadventure
I get severe lags at certain zones (like Snowbrook, umm sorry, Asterkarn castles) on 1080Ti.
I play on 144 hz monitor and getting 50-60 is really annoying.
On some levels (high SR) I’ve even seen 40 fps and less.
I don’t expect much from Titan quest engine, TBH. Titan quest still lags worse on my PC lol What I love is that Crate got rid of the ridiculous rubber banding which causes microstutters in TQ.
That being said I’m swapping my old and tired 4790k for a new Ryzen, so MAYBE it will push up my frames, I suspect those are CPU bottlenecked anyway.
those were the times.
Yes, CPU is the biggest factor in lags that still remain after you up your GPU. Changing from an i3 2350 laptop cpu to an over 3000 ghz desktop one with the op system being on an SSD did more for me than just having a gtx750 instead of a 610m.
wow, someone got the Snowbrook reference and here I thought those days are forgotten great times, great times.
IIRC Titan Quest engine (whihc the GD is based on, obviously) is very CPU-bound.
you can blame the off-topic for being wednesday and no patch.
any details of how big Riggs’ content when compared to the base game or expansions?
from the preview it seems also that the rogue dungeon here will be the biggest ever?
Hopefully without much ground damage. I love Valbury design but the amount of aetherfire and aether dust devils makes it pretty frustrating to play.
Can’t eat…can’t sleep…must……,
I am so curiously about the lore from the roguelike dungeon and wonder if we get info regarding any god.
By the way is there any ruleset about version numbers, or do dev’s just pick a number they like?
I always wondered about that.
Oh guys, drop the patch already…
Three and a half weeks later
Crate forums: When is 1.1.4???
Time traveler after raiding area 51: They had a nice 1.1.4 patch in those vaults
Rest of the world: What vaults
Time traveler: You will know soon enough.
When it’s ready and not before - as usual.