Grim Misadventure #165 - Bring them to Darkness

Yeah, I caught that as well heh

Hmmm, he forged seven rings, you say? And gave them to the dwarves, erm, magi of Korvan? :smiley:
Yeah that sounds familiar. I am guessing from the screens the effects will be some sort of orbiting eye that triggers when hit.
I like that the new boss seems to have new graphics, he looks awesome. And curious to learn more about Yugol!
My main wish for the expansion would be to somehow resolve monster level scaling. I find that after I complete the expansions on Veteran, I have to trudge through most of acts 1-2 on Epic without gaining
levels since everything is below my level. It’d be simple enough to adjust the upper level scaling of areas…

I always thought that given his name, he is someone who rigs things (like bets) against you… :wink:

Riggs is Scorv in disguise you bingobongas


Now there’s a twist. The real question tho is will he eat corn?

I suppose we could…


Now we just need a wallpaper with Grava wearing a dress.:grava_yes:

Thank you! Guess I found a replacement for the Necromancer one after all this time. :gazer:

Hello, could someone please tell me which expansions I need to receive this update,. Thanks

The actual content, the dungeons, requires Forgotten Gods (Forgotten Gods itself requires Ashes of Malmouth) but there will be updates to items and other miscellaneous stuff that affect all versions of the game.

Thanks for the reply, I just purchased what I need a few days ago.

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Btw is there a pack that includes both expansions plus the vanila GD for purchase?

None that I’m aware of. I think one day that might do a bundle type thing but who knows how long… likely once they are more or less sure that they are done with frequent updates.

You are my heroes! When real world game dev comes to the deep darkness, you are shining like no one. Thank you for your work! Don’t have enough words to express my respect to you, crate team!


i think crate just sunk deeper into the darkness compared to other devs. and we love the darkiness.
because its grim dawn. not high dawn.

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I do hope this Sauron boss is stronger than what the disappointing weakened Korvaak is. Can we just for once fight a campaign boss that is the real deal not a watered down god or a celestial avatar, pretty please Crate? :pensive:


1). Has she got a new face?
2). Has the game got a new graphics renderer?

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For some reason the title of this thread reminds us what this game is about. Darkness. No pony rainbows and cute cartoony graphics. Timely thread when D4 is revealed.

If this is the end of gd updates, I do hope they Crate bring us to the darkness one more time. Show them Blizzard what it means to be in darkness. I wont mind waiting a bit more time just so we get the darkness we all crave.

Edit: Such a wasted potential for Crate to just release a 3rd expac and call it: “Grim Dawn: Shadow of the Heretic” :sweat_smile:


Do keep up el critico.

honestly medea what moar could they add after the “Shadow of the Heretic” free patch?

when this patch is delivered, Zantai would be truly crazy generous to add later on more free updates while letting time go by when instead they could have done building a paid xpac or drafting GD 2 already but then again this shows how different they are compared to other companies for giving free updates.

time is running on and we need a prime healthy Zantai working on GD2. Im not against free contents but hopefully they are now thinking about the next big thing

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