Grim Misadventure #166 - Corrupted Wealth

I hope they spawn in challenge dungeons too, that would be awesome.

I have no words to describe my fascination with Crate devs, but I really wish they’d stop working on Grim Dawn; the more they work on this game, the longer we will have to wait for Grim dawn 2!

Monster Totem league, Path of Exile style. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just a random but same looking monster totem would have a boring impression. hoping for different vibes and environment. you could spice it a bit by adding random riftgates too, a rift that leads the player to a trap deathroom (a taste of rogue dungeon without a key) or perhaps a random npc encounter that leads to certain dialogs and quests. These random events along with ur monster totem would help the bored players who run the campaign a millionth time.

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I’ve been with Grim Dawn since early access and thanks to you guys, it’s a gift that keeps on giving. Kudos for all the care you have shown for the community!


also can we have random banners implemented like in Diablo 2 or Titan Quest? Random banners like %+ damage or exp, + total speed, + resistances for a period of time would be nice early on.

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Neat :ok_hand:

For once a reasonable suggestion!

Hear hear!


but my Hangman Jarvis suggestion takes priority :grin:

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Awesome guys - keep up the incredible work!!

Here’s hoping the new hotfix drops sooner rather than later :+1:

Happy holidays and I hope you guys managed to score tickets to the big fight -

To everyone in Crate and on the forums I wish them all a Happy Holiday season!
Thank you Crate for the update! You guys rock!


As a campaign/roguelike dungeons farmer i really like what i see. Nice idea those monsters totems.

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Nice addition. Thanks Crate! Have happy holidays

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I’ll just leave this preview of the big fight here:

NSFW! :rofl:

Excellent! Hopefully there will be a way to “empower” them for more enemy waves and more loot.

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Ok, now the real question: will the Monsters Totems be shown on mini-map like Shrines? If they’ll not, please consider this as a mod request :wink:
Again, Loyalist Pack #3 when?

A whiff of sadness beckoned me when I read those, then I shortly realized afterwards that next year is 2020 already AYLMAO

Laughs in Crucible hahaha

Joking aside, I really appreciate what you guys have been doing with the game.

GD has been the best purchase I’ve made on any game in my life. I’d go out on a limb to say it is better than Diablo 2 LOD. Fight me~!

Enjoy your holidays!

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really like the monster totem idea. levelling in campaign would make exploration more engaging.
if crate can make some special challenging monsters spawn from the totems with special exclusive rare drops, it would make end game farming in campaign more enticing (another alternative to campaign superbosses, sr and crucible)

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Could add some bounties to some of the faction tables for these too. Cleanse X number in such and such an area.


i want to fight you because GD may look better in graphics but D2 is more Grim and Gritty, much more appropriate and fitting for the name than actual Grim Dawn itself. D2 has much better atmosphere too, all coherent and much more believable with better boss fights and better monster design and variety. Grim Dawn is just okay and is playing 2nd fiddle to me.