Grim Misadventure #166 - Corrupted Wealth

Diablo 2 will always have a special place in my heart, but I will say that at present day I enjoy GD more than D2 even with the nostalgia factor - and that’s what makes GD better. I’ll be playing GD until a better one comes.


There are many areas in the game where enemies fail to provide threat and challenge, like many areas of Act 2 and Act 4 Asterkarn. Monster totems are now our only remaining hope to spice up these forgotten lands… but will Crate deliver? :smirk:

brilliant idea with the totems! keep those ideas comin in.

I think you enjoy playing this forum more than both games…

It’s like being decked out in gear makes the game easy or anything and that’s the entire point of getting gear in the first place. Nah, must be something else.

Base game at least was made to be beaten by average geared characters or else it would be pretty much impossible to even get better gear in the first place. You can’t get gear if the game is killing you constantly or just making things extremely difficult, so something has to be a stepping stone into harder content.

Also, for a game that is “just okay” to you, you sure do spend a lot of time in the forum asking for more content.


Also you’re forgetting new players who won’t have the gear. Try deleting everything you have - characters, stashes, anything else you can think of - and start completely fresh. You’ll still probably do better than a complete newbie because at least you know the game mechanics, but it won’t be as easy as it is now for you.



I welcome the new content, thanks for making an absolutely awesome game that I keep getting back to over the years. Only Diablo 2 has given me so many hours of enjoyment!

But there’s a thing you said that causes concern: “not because they were asked to or because it was critical to meet the bare minimum but because they wanted MOAR. And we can assure you that MOAR is exactly what you’ll be getting next year!”

As a Grim Dawn user, I would prefer for the Crate team to have balanced lives with time to do stuff with their loved ones, or even enjoy it for themselves, than to have people use that time to work. And I don’t mind waiting more time for an expansion or some other new content, if it means everyone is happy.

Work-life balance is very important, guys!


I’m sorry to tell you this, you silly alien, but the decade begins with 2021…

Kidding aside, the new mechanic sounds exciting.

“[…] and perhaps on what’s still to come. :wink:” - I love you guys <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Please don’t nerf aar though, it’s my favorite skill and as an arcanist, you only have 3s (MoE) to use it vs bosses once in a while :frowning:

I really love the new dungeons and the Tomb of the Heretic, but Ultimate Morgoneth seems a TINY BIT (…) out of place in terms of his dmg output when compared to all the other (non-celestial bosses) out there. It is clear that a challenge is really not bad to be had :8), but some of his attacks are undodgeable and feel completely unfair, even when I’m countering his offensive attacks with heavily investing in the corresponding def stats (def ab 'coz of his reduction, cold/vit/phys, phys res), having all items at legendary quality and a complete myth. warborn set…

@Relinfearous so what decade was year 0 (+1min) then?

No cause for alarm, everybody that’s worked on GD added the extras they did because they enjoy doing so and all of us find time for family. Working from home helps too.

Oh no…let’s not have a repeat of what happened in the Facebook post comments…


While ultimately subject to personal opinion, the general consensus is that a decade begins on January 1st of an X0 year.


Yes and the ‘very early’ of a decade can lasts for like 2-3 years :smiley:

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There is no year 0

“There is no year 0” - Then, clearly, YOU are the alien here, my friend :O)

He is correct, there is no year 0 in the Gregorian calendar, that said, when somebody refers to a decade (say the 20s), the typical person will logically assume a period between 20 and 29. In the alternate timeframe, the 20s would mean 21-30, and, well…30 isn’t in the 20s anymore.

But let’s get this thread back on topic please.


@Relinfearous I was the alien :frowning:


I’m not opposed to a huge Totem that swarms you with yetis and boars


you know, the misadventure title “Corrupted Wealth” kinda foreshadows the taken being corrupted in the future with all the items and artifacts they’ve collected in GD1, then in GD2 the taken became mad, turning into a heroic but ruthless tyrant that’ll lead humanity’s fate/wanders into the unknown, lost in greed for more lootz wherever it is/join the bad guys/ascend into a filthy rich constellation that’ll grant +iron & +loot drops/gets samus aran treatment.

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Or, @el_critico, try the HC Classless challenge. Then come back and tell me the game is too easy. :smiley:

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