Grim Misadventure #170 - A Crucible of Sights

5-10 minutes for 20 levels? Kidding? Even running around on those levels finding the enemies takes longer, not to mention killing the bosses when you get stuff like Nemeses and the clones of Marcell or other dangerous ones. While on the other hand, I can just make quick riftgate jumps to a few places to find Cronely, and the Iron Maiden is 90% of the time in Fort Ikon which you can easily run through.

Have you never seen the build section? There are loads of build that does it around at least 6 mins and even more 7 mins.

I like to make my own builds, not copy other people’s, and I play the game the way I like it. I know this forum is full of minmaxers who just love to make some unbeatable build and then grind endlessly, but I am not into that.
But sorry I realized you were speaking about the Crucible, not the Shattered Realm, where the time between shards is far longer. I played the Crucible for a while but to be frank it was boring, I prefer to play the actual game than an arena minigame of endless enemies.

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We need more D&D realms, you should go all Ed Greenwood on it and make it into the setting for GD 2 or something…

One of the great things about this game is that there are so many ways to play it. If you prefer to farm nemesis then that’s great, I do that a lot as well. However, don’t claim that it’s the most efficient way to farm. I’ve been farming Cronley for years, and an average run to get just him is probably 10 minutes. And I fine iron maiden more often in one of his other spawn points, I usually save fort ikon for last b/c it’s such a rare spawn location.

Not to mention that running totems + picking up a couple quick nemesis spawns is now actually pretty efficient, not sure if it compares with super fast gladiator 150-170 runs but it’s nice. Why didn’t you mention the totems, do they offend your sensibilities, too?

Oh, and you don’t need to use the builds section to figure out good builds.

Cronely? I think you meant Fabius.
Sorry, I just get annoyed every time someone comes in with that know-it-all “well I have a build that does this and that in 2 seconds” attitude, usually pointing towards a guide he wrote as well. I seen this in other games I like too, like King’s Bounty, where people basically reduced gameplay to math calculation of chances and skills and such. Whatever floats their boat but I find games more fun when I play them FOR fun, not calculate every resistance reduction and bonus stat and optimal grind routes.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Improve Mythical Exonerator

If I might add one thing

Anything but another Eberron

Been holding playing low level character on elite difficulty, can’t wait for update :grimacing:

i was counting the hours of this past wekk :slight_smile: oh well i guess i have to start counting from monday again :slight_smile:

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I discover this now :star_struck::upside_down_face:

So many bridges, so many remaining hidden places to reach !

this trunk has to be removed :

Here, a ghostly bark appears to reach the other side with strange creatures :

This big trunk won’t resist some dynamite… hum well the bridge neither :rofl: … some magic power to remove it ?

This cave seems not to be opened/activated ? :nerd_face:

I am sure we can find some ways to remove this :

to be continued…


what time can we get the’t wait!!

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My guess is either 5 or 12 June, and not after the next Misadventure.

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I am guessing after 2-3 hours… And i am hoping i am right :slight_smile: .If i am not am gonna start guessing again the same :slight_smile:

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Dude please. You got me excited with the 1st half of your post. I thought you knew something or there are some signs. With the 2nd half you brought me back to reality. It’s not the time to joke around like that when everyone’s having a patch fever.


Not sure Crate have ever done a Friday patch release. I bet we see it on or before 11th of June. Any later is twisting “early June” into mid June.

I’m new to GD, but most games I’ve played have an informal ‘day/time’ for content updates. Usually not Monday (if it was ready Monday it would have been ready last week) and never a Friday (nothing worse than releasing a game-breaking bug on Friday and ruining your weekend). It’s often a Tues or Thurs.

Does GD follow a pattern?

After each patch is finished, one of Crate employees farms purple Magi rings.
Depending on which of the seven rings drops first, the patch day is decided:

  1. Ring of Anubar - Monday
  2. Ring of Basi - Tuesday
  3. Ring of Khonsar - Wednesday
  4. Ring of Orissia - Thursday
  5. Ring of Sethris - Friday
  6. Ring of Shuroth - Saturday
  7. Ring of Sethris - Sunday

That’s the sole reason of

as this procedure of choosing the patch day is starting to get tiresome for Crate.
And the reason why we never know the day of the patch in advance.


It has been done before, latest 3 big patch and come on friday, and come on saturday. Perhaps that’s due to timezone, where I live is in SEA so if Crate release it on thursday, its already friday in here.

You’re not supposed to have this information.

Best make your peace before the First Blade finds you.