Grim Misadventure #170 - A Crucible of Sights

I won’t go down without a fight

I hope they add more fun items in this patch. My Purifier needs [Chaps], and my Spellbreaker would appreciate [Skinny Jeans] and a [Soy Latte] off-hand. My Warlord wants his sword of [Omen] to have an off-hand set [Claw Shield].




The changelog has gotten so big because Zantai has nerfed all builds to the point trying to kill a single basic undead takes an hour. You can only kill Kyzogg in multiplayer with four people and even then it’s a 10% chance to do it.

Body clearly needs more physique to bear the load

Or cunning rephrasing

Or just hope that the players get the spirit of the intended changes

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I hope this is the actual changelog and not the one for the testing :slight_smile:

What do you think we’re testing, but everything in the changelog?

You guys test? Heyoooo

There’s only one changelog. It’s rare for us to remove something from the playtest changelog before it goes live.


Not really. We just pretend. :upside_down_face:

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Ok i change the direction of my hopes :slight_smile: .I hope this is the final version of the changelog and we can expect the V1.1.7.0 this week :slight_smile:

Lol just increase it to 100,000 characters and be done with it.

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He may have to if he keeps this up. :rofl:

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Patch tomorrow? I hope. Please buff the 5m radius of Cryptstalker

it’s live :sparkling_heart::revolving_hearts:

The Crucible of the Woods is tremendous :100:

171 update :stuck_out_tongue: