Grim Misadventure #171 - Expanded Horizons

New content coming to Burrwitch?!?!?!

Friendship ended with V1.1.7.0, V1.1.8.0 is my best friend now.


Old Grove pls. Need Old Grove!!!

Need more story about why Empyrion disappeared. Korvaak tells me enough about Ch’thon and himself, need Empyrion and who won the war!


So long as we can repair Broken Hills -> Staunton Mine, I’m in.


The one place I’ve always been so frustrated to see nothing done with is that crumbled tower just north of the Broken Hills portal.


After talking to dying Isaac about his stash, I’ve wondered what would take place if we could hop on that boat there.


take us to this island :slight_smile:


Is this the abridged version?


We are “only” halfway there, this made me worried about what to come this year :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s much bridge to be made, road to be cleared, and Malmouth port to open.

I still wish there is a Beast nemesis in Arkovia-Asterkarn area to fill these area, a kind of Dranghoul warlord.

Celestial Totem, I guess it will spawn limited only in FG area. New totem loot? coming in September/October?

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I also found an area that looks a lot like a new SR chunk :wink: will that be in the update as well? That reminds me, what about the SR chunk that Grava was working on during a twitch stream?

So many boats, so little time.

The part of the game I always felt had the “least content” and always encouraged me to “rush the most” because it felt “blah” to me is Broken Hills/Barren Highlands. It’s partly intentional with names like that.

Everyone loves the “Questing to make the town prettier” quests. Why not some of those for New Harbour if you save them from extermination?

Other places I always felt: “There should be a little more here…”

  • Morton’s Claim (& Bone Pit)
  • All the basements in Burrwitch. (Can the Darlet be randomized and not get a quest marker?)
  • The cave where Jasper is rescued. The cave where you find Isaac.
  • The little bit of Fort Ikon where you encounter the dead footman before claiming the riftgate around that bridge.
  • Repairing the bridge between Broken Hills and Arkovian Foothills after a Steps of Torment clear!
  • Ugdenbog east of Barrowholm.
  • Kymon’s Retreat

It always reminded me of this zone in Icewind Dale… always wanted to know what it’d be like to embark on that huge metal ship :stuck_out_tongue: I like your idea.

  • Old Grove
  • The island north of Tyrant’s Hold
  • Maw of Apesh
  • Area north of Port Valbury
  • Coven at Stonereach

And most important MOAR LORE! Well at least what is known by npc’s like Creed and the coven talks about Ulgrim the legend.

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How about we actually get to dive into the Aether/Aetherial plane? I’m not too sure about this making sense lore-wise, but hey, we can enter the Viod too :damage_aether:

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I’d personally like to see Maw of Apesh and Old Grove, since those are areas clearly referred to that we were only just kinda teased by. Maw of Apesh in particular since that’s even drawn and named on the map and then…nothing in game.

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Zan said some time ago our character wouldn’t be able to exist there so not likely to happen.

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Yes, me want.
I fully intend to mod in content down that way if I can get enough dexterity with the toolset. I had also planned to fix the Twin Falls bridge but having it done officially is so much better. :sweat_smile:

So far I’ve been working on those areas in Four Hills that were cut out during Early Access. Will post a picture of what I’m talking about when I get off work. I’m sure an official restoration would be better than my attempt though.

There’s also pathways between Four Hills, Old Arkovia, and Broken Hills that I’m restoring.
In the olden days you could walk from Devil’s Crossing to Smuggler’s Pass without ever going underground. It was more… winding and mazelike, with overlapping paths, sort of similar to how the Sunbane Oasis is now. I miss the wandering around, slightly lost feeling in Act 2.

Anyway, +1,000 to this overall idea. Building more bridges and opening up more of the old areas has always been close to my heart. :heart_eyes:


Fix bridge.txt

Where’s @CairnBridgeRepairGuy when you need him the most? :smile:

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Uh, already thought something like that… Well, worth a try.

I never liked how this oddly shaped green area incites the player, but yields nothing more than possibly a quick death.
