Grim Misadventure #174 - Shattered Keepers

And mutators don’t reduce bleeding duration reduction and skill disruption res.

I thought one reduces player’s CC res? Maybe not disrupt then.

None actually. Only enemies get their CC res reduced by mutators.

Players can lose DA, health, armor, total damage, % retal, crit damage, health regen and total/attack/cast/movement speed.

thats what i meant. ralyoth is not cairn. its a broken realm predating cairn. or like mazan said its perhaps a reflection of cairn. ralyoth had its own patron god who left the realm eons ago. what i meant by anasteria quest chain is that she seems trying to collect sources of power from various hostile factions (tainted brain, blood of ch’thon, ancient heart) to help mankind survuve.

What about Possession’s skill disruption resistance?

It gives 100%, but the extra 20% does nothing because the res caps at 80%.

Please make the last set as a 3 pet set with at least 1 all skill to Occultist, Necromancer, and Shaman that also didn’t take medal or amulet slot (head, shoulder, torso, ring anyone?). :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

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Wow, just wow. Those sets look amazing~ Can’t wait to start farming them!

I’m almost positive that the armor piercing segment only affects the weapon damage part of Vire’s Might; as such, any flat Physical damage that is not associated with weapon damage (such as the small Physical damage that Vire’s Might has) would not be converted if it weren’t for the modifier.

While I am excited for the possibilities of the new sets (Goredrinker specifically for being both a non-Bloodrager’s Bleeding set as well as being a great Pierce set for something like Pierce Savagery Vindicator), it’s a bit sad that there are even more target farmable sets out there and none of them benefit pets. I’d love to see a new Hellhound set like Maya has been advocating for probably years at this point.

Dude wtf is this profile picture it is so cute :joy:

Yea, a new Hellhound set is nice. I think a new set with support for Hellhound, Primal Spirit, and Reap Spirit themed for a timed life pet. I don’t know about damage support, perhaps a physical and bleed pet?

Thx, it’s the child from my frustration facing (Pi)Kaisan on SR last week from another thread.


Not the cleanest edit I’ve ever done

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It’s very cute to me too, I’d like to pet it so badly and feed dead corpses whereas the original - absolutely not.

@:crate: Please add Pikaisan in a Loyalist Pack.

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If a skill has the slightest amount of %weapon damage, the weapon’s armour piercing converts the skill’s flat physical. But now I think I see some uses, like some shields such as Watcher of Erulan if you wanted to make a kite gunner or something :thinking:


Ah thx, I see

Nice sets. So any idea how these will drop? And good idea on redesigning the armor. I hope it gets some new abilities added as currently it is rather generic.
Ember’s Calling seems like it can be a nice chaos-fire melee or ranged build basis for Pyromancers or Saboteurs. Goredrinker is more for Fighter-Inquisitors, and Veilkeeper seems geared for using the (elusive, never dropped for me) scepter of Aldritch due to the heavy Aether-Lightning conversions.

Most likely inside the chests where you claim your reward.

The new items will be found within the Splendors of the Shattered Realm rewards.


Well this would be cool if set grants a boss skill, pretty much like you did with Lucius sword. Or a sun/light rift summon, while we already have several of dark rift model skills. And pls slightly nerf the specific mobs of SR, some of them are so OP, like Gargabon.

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Any classes in particular getting changes? Some skills are really weak baseline, like dreeg’s evil eye.

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If you build pierce/bleed hybrid you might not have the space to get the armor piercing devotion, which is how most 1h swords get their full conversion so it’s kinda neat to have the conversion.

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