Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

What do you mean? Community seasons their own cloud stash with similar functionality to Item Assistant. You don’t need more ingame stash/bags for the seasons.

huh, so apparently you can get higher affixes on them. Too bad its just one (in this day and age of MI-s even) and the base item remains the same (mid-range for empowered).

1 affix is the standard for base rare (non MI) items
same with faction crafted belts, boots etc where the starter base item is already rare, vs the crafted base magicks that get 2 affixes

Yep, and they are universally worse base to base than crafted yellows (puppetmaster’s vs faction pet belt) and pre-buff MIs (exception of belt, in which case we had rough belt base parity)

my point here is that the bases have been powercrept enough that the old restrictions that were supposed to balance them are no longer justified.

there are a lot of problems in the game of a technical nature, only crucible nerds and people who do not need it can not see them ))

Why you cheeky bastiches!


Well done as always.

Please, please, PLEASE tell me this is in Asterkarn. It is my FAVORITE area in the game and I’ve been longing for it to get shown some love.


Me as well. Asterkarn is my favorite area in the game.

Could we get a mostly Steam Deck-centric fix for 1.2? That window that tells us our resolution is too low for UI elements? it’s gotta go! Once you bottom the UI scale down it fits very well on the 800p screen. The Deck is almost my preferred way to play vanilla except for that pop-up. It pops up every time you load your guy in.

I’d ask for a checkbox to have it never appear again, lol.

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Zantai, there are plenty of ways to make 1 difficulty to play from 1-100 work along with the devotion points acquirable through one difficulty. Keep the current system name it something like Progressive mode where you choose Normal, Elite, Ultimate. Lets be real, any serious veteran player wanting to play one difficulty from 1-100 will want it to be the hardest and most challenging–the game is old enough now for it. It can be called Grim mode. Devotion shrines can be scattered elsewhere in this difficulty to be able to achieve all devotion points through the one difficulty. Maybe it can be hard enough where it makes sense to farm and level up in previous areas before progressing to the next area that way it can accommodate up to level 100.

This would be awesome, I feel even since Diablo days, having to replay content through multiple difficulties on the same character feels cheap. I’m not knocking Grim Dawn at all, GD > D4 > D3 and even D2 to me (1500 hours played.) It’s just not the most desirable design to have to play the same content through 3 difficulties… You can usually jump right into Ultimate after completing Normal difficulty anyway…Elite feels like a total chore.

Would love to play through one brutal difficulty mode on hardcore–this would probably add hundreds of replay hours to me. Imo on this mode there should not be a shared stash so you can’t hand gear over to your next characters to make it easier for them. Just my two cents from huge fan who would like to be challenged in GD.

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You know that’s already possible using merit tokens to skip up tp Ultimate? Once you get a character into Ultimate Forgotten Gods content they can buy the tokens for your other characters to use, just put them in the transfer stash. Then you can use them to skip a new character up to Ultimate and play through that difficulty; there are enough devotion shrines on that difficulty that you don’t even need to drop down to a lower one to get some. And just choose Hardcore when making your new character; job done.


There’s a challenge designed just for this. It even has a secret reward and achievement when you complete it. It was not easy back in 2019. No idea how much it may have changed.

Not sure if someone already mentioned it, but as a completionist, the feature to know if you already got that item as an illusion is trully awesome (the pop up you get whenever a new illusion is unlocked too).


For a Quality Of Life change, could we see on the skill trees at least how many points are being added from equipment, and possibly by how many points we are exceeding the hard cap? Thanks for everything!


Seconded. Forgot to mention this earlier! We have been muchly needing this for years now. When we exceed hardcap, just turn the number red or something, like how grimtools does it. Hopefully easy to implement?


17 posts were split to a new topic: Permanent Pneumatic Burst Discussion

Seems good, might try this old game out, has been a while…


Improving drop rates is nice, but it shouldn’t be for free imo. I always really liked how in Diablo 2, the difficulty and drop rates could be adjusted by changing the game to be multiplayer. Some similar mechanic to up the difficulty in exchange for better drop rates would be a great addition.

Wow both of these sound awesome, and something I wanted for a while now!

And this is something I wanted in a long looooong time. With the expansions you usually hit 70 or more before moving on to Elite, and this sounds better than having to skip Elite completely and go on to the next one and then hitting 100 mid-campaign and chugging through the rest.

Oh yes. Can we also get the old “show random monster models during the credits” thing back, but updated to the expansions, please?

That’s awesome news!

It would be great if we can somehow track the Holy Grail progress (e.g having all legendary and/or blue and set items). I know this can be tracked via other methods, but it would be neat if it was an ingame option.

This patch is going to be epic. You have to give us more to buy to show support for you all. Another cosmetic pack or something.