Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

A roguelike dungeon based on Cronley’s Gang?


Yes!!! Oh please yes. We’ve been needing Monster totems for Cronley’s gang for a while now, but I like this better.

Fairly certain this is moddable; /basemods of course. Hardmods are a no go for me.

Removal of player agency can be seen that way. Automating something that wasn’t really much of a chore to manually operate is going to get some backlash. Combine that with the fact that testing damage without an aura now becomes impossible without spending aether drystals to completely remove all points from a skill, and yep we’re gonna bitch about it. Please please please make this optoinal.

Сontinuing the theme
Not sure how relevant this is, but what should a player do if they want to use a Beronat? Reforged or Blood Orb of Ch’Thon without toggling their granted buffs.

By the way, I think Active Health Cost mechanic is underestimated.


As someone who does sometimes use Blood Orb without toggling on its skill, I am curious as well.

He’s apparently removing krieg set from Elite malmouth, and a bunch of drops from elite roguelike dungeons, that were never in normal to boot!

Loot is one incentive. Build making is another. and for some, they just lose the option to outscale content with their level alone, so advancing to where better drops (more frequent rare affixes on MIs, more useful elites (too bad so many are still rubbish, but there are a few good ones you can build around). It’s a mostly win-win situation.

maybe i should point something out, since it seems to be glossed over
the level change will change nothing for players already using merits, players that go to endgame, or players that want to play Ultimate/upgrade challenge
keyword, want.
There is a subset of players that, for whatever reason don’t want to play endgame/Ultimate, they just wanna try the game, “reach max”, move on, this will only affect them, and no one else.
why will it not affect the rest of us*? because we are already moving on, and to reach level 100 on Normal/Vet (which you technically already can currently) you will have to grind.
Normal progression leaves you around level 70-75 currently; which fits the current game area scaling. However reaching level 75 requires players clear every corner of the map, does every single quest, every single shrine, and clears the skeleton key dungeons (and most don’t even do this)
meaning even after the level scaling change they will still have “nothing” to do other than grind/retread content to get those final 25 levels**
^only time players wont have to retread content, would be players with XP potion/lokar gear, and i’m gonna estimate even that wont bring you to 100 without redoing some clears/gonna run out of quest and stuff in a single clear.
^^ and that likely wont even affect that subset of players that just want to reach max on Normal/only do a 1x game clear to get 100

people having kneejerk reactions to the level change seems like they haven’t actually really considered how it’s going to affect levelling, or who it will affect,
because the game already scales/progresses you through the content in a level matching way, so changing areas to scale higher isn’t really gonna change that much; other than leaving the few select casual players that just want a 1x playthrough able to get max with a bit of non SR grind

*with the exception of the poster saying they use current area scaling to grind lower level MIs on higher level chars, for some reason ?

**this is also me assume it’s purely area scaling that’s being changed and not increased XP rewards for quests/kills ofc

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That sounds like something that would only affect the most insanely meticulous min-maxers and build-tester.

would affect modders too
heck would affect people just simply wishing to confirm a skill/transmuter is working correctly or in XYZ way dmg wise ingame (vanilla)
would affect people wishing to “locate”/spot specific skill interactions or procs on training dummies, since now you have secondary effects constantly applying debuff or icons or triggering tertiary procs
having a “clean” char interacting with training dummies is extremely much smoother sometimes, instead of having 5 different dmg auras overlaying and doing stuff when you’re looking for 1 specific interaction or effect
heck, from interactions with beginners it seems like some of them already as is can have trouble spotting devotion procs/what effects does what or when/if XY effect is even triggering/applying or active; this would also impact that type visibility/learning

Yesterday, after seeing the “10” posts from Zantai, I went on a bit of a rabbithole on Zantais reddit profile. So I would like to present my case - I think we are getting the 10th mastery, probably free with no expansion to go with it(No acts, since that’s too much extra work and the game is large enough already). Instead we’ll be getting just the mastery to make 10 masteries and some extra content, maybe some new zones or roguelike dungeon, but not to the extent of a whole new expansion.

Here’s a couple posts from Zantai that make me think this is more than just a smaller update, and we’re in for some fun times. There’s way too much hyping going around for it to be small, not to mention 1-2 years ago it probably didn’t make much sense to get more GD content, as Crate was focusing more on FF, now that it’s getting done very soon, and with all the D4 troubles, and POE2 hype, ARPGS are at an all time high, so it makes a lot of sense to expand on the best ARPG out there, for everyone unhappy with D4 and POE2.

New achievements!

I rest my case.


While FF may be close to full release of the game, it’s by no means “done”. Crate will continue to support it with patches and DLC’s in the future same way they have with GD. Plus as well as the new engine being made they’re also working on an RTS game which will use the new engine plus there’s a horror survival game in the works.

I’m going to be astonished if it’s a 10th mastery given all the problems they had adding them to the game in the past because it’s not just the mastery itself, but all the rebalancing needed for items to support said mastery in combo with the ones we already have.


Let me hope :sweat_smile:
But i suppose the only other realistic option is 10th august release date of 1.2. But in my mind im still going to think it’s the 10th mastery. Especially since it seems like 1.2 has been in the works for quite some time now too, and you just cant ignore the current ARPG hype, so if not now then probably never.


am i the weird one for not actually “wanting” a 10th mastery at this point? :sweat_smile:
legit feel the “bloat” concern as stated by the devs earlier
like, daheck am i gonna do now in terms of builds, just means i have a gazillion more to do left :face_with_spiral_eyes: and the items, i had “just” settled on being familiar with the various items, now i’m gonna get new modifiers and skill bonuses to memorize
too much good stuff :weary:

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Nah, wouldn’t be full release as it’s not even in testing yet. Could be the date he puts it out for testing though. That’s sorta my guess.

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It’s the 10 days of Scorv-mas

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10 different versions of Albrecht’s Aether Ray with officially supported colors!

Normal / Full Aether / Fire / Cold / Lightning / Chaos / Vitality / Physical / Pierce-Bleed/ Acid-Poison.

(I know some are kinda damage over time, don’t mind me mumbling and hoping coughcoughZantaipls)

I would be very delighted to see 10 different AARs. Like the Power Rangers, but with Beams of Death and Destruction.
As for changes regarding the leveling in normal and toggling the auras- yeah, why not. I wouldn’t mind nor bother. If my char has an aura, it is toggled on anyways and Grava would be easier to defeat. Oh Grava, sweet child of countless deaths o’mine… anyways it would be the same, just with MOAR QoL. I would still love and play the game. :slight_smile:

Hey, don’t make me hyped with the 10th mastery speculation, my heart can’t handle it.

Nah man I get that too. While it would be cool, it would be a balancing nightmare I’d imagine.

Lol, it would be easier to create a whole story dlc, than a new mastery.

Yeah, having to tune the new bosses and regular enemies, making new areas and writing the story would probably be easier than making a new mastery and having to balance it. Oathkeeper balancing was a complete mess that took ages to get properly tuned and i bet there’s still busted Oathkeeper builds out there.

Probably talking out of my ass though.