Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

if that is your answer, im done with this game.

Just imagine the nightmare of having to design item skill modifiers for the new mastery, and somehow put them on items that support the existing masteries. Tooltips would be ridiculous.

:arrow_up_small: probably zantais answer to this.

seriously tho, if something that small/minor (imo) makes you quit the game maybe it is indeed time for you to move on





A little late to the party. Most people have covered the questions I had. But couldn’t find anywhere any information regarding the theme we’ll be able to select for the main menu. Does this mean that you’ll fix the menu scaling in 4K resolutions? :slight_smile:

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Don’t know about resolution, but

So the base GD Occultist, AoM’s Bysmiel or FG’s Riggs.

It looks like you’re talking about loading screens and not main menus. :wink:


Holy sh!t, I go on vacation for a couple of weeks and all hell breaks loose…

This game is making me feel like Michael Corleone right now:


I thought I had accomplished everything I wanted to do in GD, and yet I keep coming back. It doesn’t help that D4 is an absolute dumpster fire right now, I quit as soon as I got my Rogue to 100. I tried Last Epoch and their endgame might be worse than D4’s + the combat is just not good IMO.

So here we are, and Z just drops a grenade in the middle of the room to shake things up lol. Unbelievable. Crate continues to prove that they are a dev team that cares about their community and truly loves their game. I will be back again for sure when 1.2.0 releases and Crate can you PLEASE just announce GD2 already? There is a massive void that can be filled by you guys, the opportunity is there for the taking. Talk about shaking up the ARPG community…

already have been Mr Cornetto


Why is AAR so popular? I don’t get the appeal of this one specifically.

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Lasers are cool? And green lasers are cooler.


Try screaming “UNLIMITED POWER” while channeling it.


You don’t get it because the supercool green laz0r is not implemented yet, good sir. :slight_smile:
AAR is just one of the coolest skills in the game. You stand, channel and the long and powerful beam of enemy-culling just… is awesome. You have so many flavors. Want to burn enemies? Get the Fire-AAR and boom. Want to chill? Try FreezeRay. You want to be more chaotic than Grava’Thul? Be an occult arcanist and embody chaos and power.
But a green, acidic, poisonous AAR is not there yet. And it is my wife’s dream to play that in thr future since she adores AAR and we, my wife and I, play this game in co-op for as long as it exists on steam. Many years. So I am just the harbinger of the green AAR. Or the bleeding one. I also take the bleeding one. :smiley:
Edit: It deals 20% more damage while shouting “Unlimited Powerrrr!”. I proved it


It looks cool. Magical lasers always look cool.

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Ty AAR fans.

Btw, FWIW, I am looking forward to being able to level cap in Normal.

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I say just slap a new mastery in completely unbalanced and worry about solving that later, fuelled by the tears and pulled out hairs (and feedback, I suppose…) of the min-maxers :grimacing:
Everyone else will just be having a blast with new classes and items :slight_smile:


Monster Infrequents with flat damage bonuses to skills could use rebalancing. They’re crazy strong at low levels.

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That’s the appeal though

that’s deliberate, apparently a lot of players enjoy being powerful early levels

join the scaling MI movement to convince the devs to listen to the players that OP low level MIs are not good :raised_hands:


Memes aside, it’s just not a problem. Being overpowered early is a good thing to more players than it is bad, to be certain. By all means, challenge the player, right? So that’s what endgame is for. Getting through Normal with ease is par for the course. There is no shortage of challenge in late / end game.