Grim Misadventure #178 - Loyalist the Third

No no, it’s “oooo” in surprise and alarm!

Gliding around the battlefield with no legs and a black hole for a face is the new best thinig. Ch’thon best illusion by a mile. The Great Old Ones are pleased.

Take my money Crate, you deserve it <3

These look awesome, top quality work as always

Also - is the back visual on Empyrion tied to the shoulders or chest armor? Or is it a separate thing (like mov skills are on medals perhaps) ?

It´s me?

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Oh yeah! Take my money!


Cannot wait. Very cool!

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53 posts were split to a new topic: Cosmetic Packs Discussion

I’ve never used the Illusionist even though I have the other packs. I will be using that Empyrion set though. Its fantastic.

Man, that Ch’thon armor set looks so good in the still art and in 3D it just looks so… butchered. Why would you change the charcoal black to a bland tan metal color? Absolutely ruins the contrast of colors. I also wish the head was more violent like the art depicts it to be, it’s way too tame in comparison.

Very good!
A small suggestion:
Is it possible to make the weapon illusions two versions? (both 1H and 2H)
The illustration of the visage of Empyrion looks like a posture of a S&B warrior in game (without a shield), while that seems to be a 2H weapon similar to Korvan Burning Halberd, which has totally different postures from S&B setups.
Why not make the illusions workable both on 2H and 1H setups? Just keep the model same or shorten the handle a little.

Or mabe even add another 1H halberd version along with a shield?

The helmet is kinda like a Spartan Warrior, it couldn’t be better if there is a spear along with a small round shield. Just like this:


And Rattosh. The posture in the illustration seems to be channeling DE. Why not give the 2H staff a 1H wand version as well so that the posture in the illustration can also be achieved in game?


my G’d wowww

Please give us another brew to further dull our senses.
Seriously, I want a potion that gives me a debuff that will stack with the other brew.

They finally listened to our request to release a third skin pack. I think Crate has released too few packs for so many years of supporting their game for free, and as you know time is money. I’d be happy to spend my money on this, and with a kiss of the hand.

Blizzard, is that the company that used to make good games?

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I want to get a new skin for Warder

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i mean, with idle animation it’s 1H posture, so here you go

New haircuts or a Scorv PC skin perhaps?

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Finally! Those things should be released at least once in a year, I wanna put some money in Crate.

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I have 1600+ hours in this excellent game. I paid around $45CA for it in a Steam sale. If you don’t like the pack don’t buy it. I want to support a game and studio that I love, I’m glad there will be a way to do that.


The first thing that came to mind with the floating Ch’thon was the 3D splash screen for the undead campaign in Warcraft III featuring Kelthuzaad the lich.

Holy God Crate,
I can’t believe you have gears for all my favorite builds in one pack.
My DE spellbinder and vitality cabalist are gonna looks so fine in these.

Just release it already and let me throw more money at you.

They all look great but Empyrion is so amazing!
