Grim Misadventure #185 - Howl Do You Do

Eh? Wdym the quickbar got replaced and why would it even got changed?

OMG, I can’t wait!!!

Were-forms have their own attacks. It makes sense that the bars might change.

In endgame you got “mad wolf’s glee” and “insatiable fury” body armors that allows you to stay in werewolf and werebear form, accordingly, for endless period of time

And it is hilarious to saw some comments about onslaught “wow never see this mechanic in aRPG”
Lol yeah, so new mechanic we already know for good 20+ years from d2 realise

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I never played the game for that long, got bored quickly with how much of a retool of Diablo III it is. Even the enemies are boring. Everything is just shades of brown.

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Has the decision been made on when the new DLC will be launched?

Well, it’s half-true for druid, this class are terrible at low-lvl but really shine in endgame

Sadly, not many players are stay long enough to see how devastating druid could be in lvl 100 gameplay

/end of offtop



2025 will be great. Or 2026. Hopefully 2025? Could be 2026. Birbs await.

I feel it’s need to be done


please do not copy Diablo`s 4 druid class. Very bad idea.

I think a slow walk would be cool on all channeled skills, although it could also mess up positionings…

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@Zantai first of all, holy shiat is that looking good. I really appreciate all your work for making this happen finally. Im playing since the alpha and I have been waiting long for this.

But I have 3 questions:

  1. Why a werewolf? There are so many unique creatures in Grim Dawn like Briarthorns or Wendigos, why choosing a shapeshift-form which is already well known in other games? I think there will be WWs then in the new expansion :smiley:
  2. Can you give us some insights about the walking-animation of the WW form? Will it be on 2 legs or on all 4? Like rushing through the battlefield like a real beast.
  3. Will the wereraven be able to levitate over the ground like the void-outfit from the Loyalist Pack 3?

As you can tell Im pretty curious :smiley:

If you become a little familiar with modding its a super easy task. But you have the possibility to respec your skillpoints for some iron bits. But rewinding the whole mastery isnt possible - at least not without modding

Wow, can’t wait to play the extension… This game is so addictive and still a great journey.

Hopefully soon with even more content… :muscle::balloon::partying_face:

GD Stash let´s you respec the last skillpoint. It´s just a couple of clicks. Yay. :partying_face:

How unfair😂 modding is the only way xD

That Hula Hoop animation from Winds of Asterkarn must go xD

Change it to a super saiyan pose or make a loop for the beginning of that Doombolt animation used by enemies, and we’ll be good.

This Wereraven looks super sick, reminds me of some Tzeentch demon thing.

I have wanted to play a cold caster since forever, but i always felt the selection compared to other damage types kind of lacking, maybe with this i will finally give it a serious try.

Or maybe some other damage type, lets wait for the itemization and transmutters etc.

Oh boy, oh boy i can not wait, epic game, epic developers.

Ok, let me try to guess those class combinations…

First the obvious:

  • Shaman = Primalist
  • Inquisitor = Runekeeper
  • Oathkeeper = Zealot

Evoker and Mystic sounds like Arcanist or Occultist.
I think i will go with:

  • Arcanist = Evoker

This leaves us with Soldier, Demolitionist, Occultist, Nightblade and Necromancer.

  • Soldier = Thane sounds like the most fitting.

Now it gets tricky…
Veilwalker, Dreadnaught and Mystic all could be either Occultist or Necromancer.

Reaver sounds definitely very melee focused to me, so i think this is the Nightblade thing.

  • Nightblade = Reaver

Demolitionist, Occultist and Necromancer are left.
I really have problems with the Demolitionist, maayyybeee, Mystic? Technology could be kind of mystic for berserkers right? Im really not sure about this, but what else could it be?

  • Demolitionist = Mystic

A necromancer walks the veil between life and death however an occultist follows the which gods and their domain is behind the veil or something. Also there is Dreeg who literally guards the veil right?
Dreadnaught sounds Necromancer-esque so will go with:

  • Occultist = Veilwalker
  • Necromancer = Dreadnaught
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If you want to know what they are click here. :smiley:


Berserker mastery allow us to become wulfen

or Lord of Change on snowy environment

It is the siege of Fenris once more

I wish the shapeshifting abilities allow us to keep the Pauldron looks on the wereform, for fashion