Grim Misadventure #20: Soldier Mastery - Part 1

What’s that, you say? Alpha will be anytime between now and midnight of the 4th, you say? Excellent :stuck_out_tongue:

looks awesome, can’t wait to go forcewave crazy with my shield!

Thanks for the update! :slight_smile: Now I really want to try that alpha…RaaaAAAaargh, I can’t wait anymore! “be patient Xss, be patient!”

I was wondering, does Zolhan’s Technique also do the average damages of your weapon to all the enemies it hits? :slight_smile:

YES! The Soldier definitely the class I am playing. Love the skills and icons, gosh i cant wait to play the alpha,

Edit just read Zantai post , there still hope for the alpha release! sweet :slight_smile:

The Soldier Class will be my bread and butter class, i love the close up melee classes, my favorite!

Awesome update, im so happy this game is appearing to be the REAL DIABLO 3 :slight_smile:

Hmm, I don’t usually go commando, I prefer some support down there, but that does sound tempting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great update. It’s great to see these mastery skills out in the wild.

These brave souls are helping us knock out some of the remaining critical issues that [b]must be addressed before Alpha can begin.

To hold you over in the meantime, we will begin a series of updates that will familiarize you with the three masteries available to you once Alpha begins.[/b]

Hmm this doesn’t sound too promising. If the second part on soldier class will be within 2 weeks, it means we’ll get alpha in june-july?

That aside, wonderful update about my favorite class. Always a pleasure to read these misadventures.

Zantai said this some posts later:

Another awesome update Zantai! Once again making my decision for first mastery a difficult one. Thanks for the update!

:slight_smile: Okay I am a sucker for melee classes what can I say. Thank you for the update.

Soldier mastery looks interesting. I guess we have to see how it develops and performs in game. Thanx once again for the update!

Melee looks interesting so far. I hope the alpha is nearer than it sounds! Keep on with the good work.

Edit: I couldn’t resist: we need more videos or the alpha plz! :smiley:

Good. Keep them Comin’ !:smiley:

I could see myself doing a Demolitionist/Soldier build. Would that be Commando or Outlander?

Demo/Soldier sounds like a Commando to me.

Thanks for the update Crate. Alpha is so close I can taste it, and it taste buttery. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it is not Zantai’s job to release Alpha or not, that is Medierra’s job I think. Nice update, glad to have some sneak peak on the Soldier class.

Really nice update, I like this kind of preview

Seeing as the Soldier preview isn’t done and as there will be 3 masteries in the beta does that mean we will have to wait at least 3 more updates (6 weeks) until we get to play the alpha or am I reeding too much into that sentence?

You’re reading to much into what Zantai is saying, as shown by his later post:

So he is just doing his usual Grim Dawn Misadventure postings which are separate from any alpha announcement.

I haven’t seen medierra’s name on the who’s online list today. Probably reading to much into that.

Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you!

I live in my (mom’s) basement. Surrounded by beartraps. The guvment’s out to get me, I say!