Grim Misadventure #27: A Number Crunch

I would like to emphasize one thing and that is, I do not want that to happen like in Diablo 3, where legendary item is not worth anything and do not see the difference between the yellow item or white and legendary items all the same shit…If you ask me, just reduce the drop rate of Epics items and not to reduce their value and quality.
Most of you know what happened in the D3, you’re finding the tone legendary items, not one of them is worth nothing I eventually crushed them all by vendor.
In my opinion Epic item should be so fucking good with brutal specs on them but very hard to find !

I do not like the idea !! :undecided:

I am very interested in how this update will affect gameplay and I can’t wait to try it out.

no please:mad:

one of the most frustrating thing in TQ was when you made a complete playthrough in Asia, killing foes and bosses, just to find one or two legendaries, sometimes not so useful, and a few greens (wich were generally less interesting in TQ than in GD except MI). it was also a flaw of DIII apparently.
as said above, things are a little different here because alpha is short and people quickly start farming high level areas, collecting a lot of blues. but it should be different when we play the full game :slight_smile:

Unlike a few people it would seem, I like this update a lot! Like most people, I too find myself discarding yellows very early on, a couple of levels after 10+. With B12 it looks like things might get interesting in the yellows department again, and I look forward to it. :wink:
Cheers for another informative update Zantai,
Younghappy :slight_smile:

Oh, by the way: just thought I would let you know, I lost it at this picture for a reason I don’t fully understand yet:

Whether it was the absurd idea of a pistol talking or the fact that the unique is saying “I have powerful friends, you know” (half a threat/half a joke alluding to the other uniques :rolleyes:), I’m not sure. But either way, it was hilarious. You win this round, Zantai! :smiley:

Well I am not for this change when it takes place…:cry:

When B12 happens and this change is made does it apply ONLY to the new items or will it affect what you already have as well? :eek:

actually it sounds good but we have to try it first to see how it turns out

I think its pretty boring in Diablo 3 where in endgame everybody has the same items … superlame no diversity at all

These changes sound good to me, something that would be even better though, would be to give us another reason to pick up yellows. Maybe a way to sell them for a % of their normal value, directly from your bags, or salvage them.

I think the real reason why yellows feel like junk of a new shade is not because of their stats, but because of the quantity of them that drop.

Can anyone really be bothered to stop fighting to check every yellow just-in-case its better? Its just easier to assume that greens WILL be better and crack on with farming.

And this is exactly why I trust your product so much. Actually listening to the community and working towards a common goal, making a great ARPG. If changes are needed, so be it.

I was a bit taken a back by the changes, but let’s see how it plays out. You guys seem to know what you are doing. I’m really looking forward to the full release down the road and testing things along the way.

With a game like D3 where it is Rare then Legendary / Sets I think it is ok to have rares roll as a possible BIS minus the exclusive affixes. With GD there is Rare , Green , Blue and I guess later on Legendary items? In this case I am not sure if Rares should be the one to focus on but rather maybe green quality drops… As someone said above that rare items drop so often that it would kill the flow of the game to stop and check every last one of them especially when we cant look at the stats of the item and compare it to what we have WHILE it is on the ground. Even then it would be really really slow.

I love GD and I hope to make it my main APRG in the future but I am a bit skeptical of this change at this moment.

not exactly. in fact there is Magical (affixes, yellow), Rare (affixes, green), Epic (unique, blue) and later yes Legendary (unique, purple) :wink:

That is what I meant… I think yellow is just to far down in tiers to be BIS for anything honestly.

That is what Grim Dawn and Titan Quest have changed in ARPGs. The basic magic items(yellows) are not just trash you ignore. a yellow with a prefix and suffix that works for your character build could easily be an upgrade to a low level blue or green you found.

The idea here is learn and remember what each prefix is like heavy is added physical damage and of frost is added cold and % to cold. It starts by not ignoring basic yellow items they can be usefull. This does not mean however that Yellows are the best just that they are not worthless. I really dont see how people dont understand this, has the new generation of ARPGs really made people think its epics or nothing?

I have played TQ extensively and I disagree.

I like the fact that at level 13 my pure caster could clear the depraved sanctuary without dying once… decked out in only yellow gear. This shows me the game isn’t just about getting the best gear… there is still room for player skill to factor into the equation.

Hey man
where are some fresh content how long :o

Terrible decision … I want to be excited when a blue item drops, I want a blue item to stand well above the normal yellows that drop every five minutes! Cannot understand this at all :frowning: Do you not remember what happened with d3 and the under whelming epics …

The difference, from what I have read and imagine will happen, is that Diablo 3 was a waste of time unless you had those epics equipped and they where very underwhelming. I don’t see that as the case here. Its just about bringing more relevance to yellow drops.

Yeah, B12 release will rock!, any news about the release date?

Medierra/Zantai, just realized something in our discussions about how yellows were applicable/useful in Diablo 2, particular in normal/nightmare.

While that’s true, we completely ignore and/or left out discussion of BLUE quality items in Diablo 2, which were by and large useless under most circumstances. The magical (blue) quality items in d2 were largely ignored other than for “buffing” purposes (finding +3 warcry spears to dual wield for barbs, etc). IMO, this goes to further show that not EVERY tier of items needs to be useful very often. There SHOULD be filler, trash items other than just white.

Like I said before, I’m excited to see the patch in action, but honestly somewhat expect that I’ll still wish blue/purple items were far more dominant in the GD world. I’ve come to realize that greens SHOULD be powerful (I used to post often saying that I’d prefer to be in full blue/purple), but I do still believe that I’d prefer to be mostly in very unique equipment that yielded the largest bonuses AND creative/unique properties, spells, appearance altering effects, etc.