Grim Misadventure #34: Just Over the Bridge

Welcome back to Grim Misadventures! Today’s update is focused on the new environments coming your way with our next major content release. The second portion of the world, let us call it “Act 2” for simplicity, is focused on exploration and your choices. You also will have the opportunity to continue the main quest line, culminating in a series of events involving the former inmates of Devil’s Crossing and their deadly intent on retaking the prison for themselves.

As with all previews, what you see here can change before its public debut.

“Act 2”

After you repair the bridge in Devil’s Crossing, you will enter the area known as the Arkovian Highlands, wherein you will have your first encounter with the ruthless gang that is terrorizing this region.

The devastation from the grim dawn is apparent everywhere you turn, though there is a distinct absence of Aetherials. Whether they are yet to reach this area, or perhaps they are only biding their time, remains to be seen. The few that manage to scavenge a living out here find themselves in a tough place, between ruthless outlaws and vicious beasts alike.

From the Arkovian Highlands, your journey can take two different routes. You have the option of exploring the Broken Hills, a collection of cliffs carved by a once mighty river. It is an untamed land seldom traveled even before the grim dawn struck. With the absence of men, the dangers within have thrived. Will you brave them?

Alternatively, you can follow the road more traveled and enter Old Arkovia. Old Arkovia was once a bustling trade city of a long-gone civilization. It is here, among the ruins of the past, that you will find the outlaws at their strongest. After their expulsion from the prison, the inmates had gathered with other roaming bands of miscreants and crooks to form a formidable collective. They now represent a threat Devil’s Crossing cannot ignore. Bringing down this gang will not be an easy task.

However, there are other points of interest for you to find. Those who seek forgotten treasures and wealth lost to the grim dawn will explore beyond just their immediate goals.

That wraps it up! You can look forward to our next development update on 11/25/13!

That mine looks amazing. The more atmospheric screenshots appear the more of the Dungeon Siege 2 feel seems to be present. Remember some of those amazing places back then?

So you can choose one direction out of two? The Highlands or Old Arkovia? Does this mean you’ll have to make decisions that impact which area you’ll be locked out of? Not that I mind, because such things just makes me want to create more characters and try out all decision outcomes and the like. And I liked how Dungeon Siege 2 blocked certain content until higher difficulties where you met the requirements to enter said areas.

Looking amazing. Keep it up :smiley:

These new environments are looking fantastic, Zantai! I remember seeing that outlaw fort in the Steam Early Access video for Grim Dawn, and wondering what it was. Turns out I didn’t have to wait till beta to find out. :wink:
And those ruins, oh my! Almost has a “jungle” feel to it, which definitely will make that area stand out to the highlands that will probably become like the swamp from Act 1 (meaning the most visually common environment :p).
Anyway, this new Misadventures has me even more pumped for beta, even though I originally swore off participating in it in favour of waiting for final release. Guess what? That’s gone out the window! :smiley:
Thanks again for another exciting update Zantai,
Younghappy :slight_smile:

Sweet :slight_smile: Love the fog effects. Can’t wait to meet more interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture and kill them.

looks awesome, can’t wait to play act 2, the screenshots really look good

Are these routes mutually exclusive?

No. Both areas will be open to you regardless of which way you choose to go first.

I don’t think anyone you’ll meet from that culture will be particularly vibrant.

I see, so it only changes how the story unfolds. Decisions, decisions… :smiley:

The last image in particular is stunning and I cannot wait to go exploring in some new environments.

This game is going to be awesome :smiley:

Awesome! Though the exploration was present in Act 1, the choices were limited. I am really excited about this new major update :smiley:

Looks great!

What is the size of “act 2” compared to act 1? About the same, smaller or larger?

Can we expect some new enemy models in this “act 2”? I’m really looking forward to the scarecrow guys shown in early development. :slight_smile:

hopefuly act 2 will be similar to size compared to act 1

i really don t know what i say–more then---- awesome.

I don’t want to be little negative. But the problem how it seems the game will have,( and now seeing act 2, I am almost sure it will be the case) is the areas are not that much different. They look very similar, to much for my taste. Whole act 1 has little diversity in different areas, and act 2 how it looks will not be that different, even compared to act 1.

everything looks great but one question: what about three other riftgates=areas that are not shown in this misadventure? are they gonna be “act 3” or they gonna be covered in the next dev update and be in “act 2”?
and again:everything looks so beatiful.

Thank you for the update Zantai. Interesting staff and ofc cannot wait for the next content update.

I am really looking forward to exploring those mines and the ruined city. I was hoping that “act 2” included all six of the way-points to the west, is that still a possibility? I had an expectation that “act 2” would cover a larger land area or at least have a comparable number of way-points to “act 1”.

One word - marvelous. I definitely will be spending a lot of time there, just admiring the view :smiley: Keep up the great work!

Hell yeah! Awesome update, as usual. The new environments look great, and I’m liking the diverging paths. :slight_smile:

depends really, I mean, the early part of the game is marsh, we start seeing more countryside once we hit burrwitch outskirts that had some farmland, then its the village / estate then dungeons

I think what act 2 might be more country / mountains, so I think I’m going to give act 2 the befit of the doubt and say, we might see some different stuff compared to what we have seen so far.