Grim Misadventure #34: Just Over the Bridge

Sweet. It will be great to finally explore the region on the other side of that broken bridge. I’ve often times stood looking at that bridge, wondering if I could make the leap across.

Very tasty scenery. It gives off an air of uncorrupted places, yet placidly dangerous. Also more solid, earthy feeling instead of the mud and water of Lower Crossing, or the rural enviroment of Burrwitch area.

A quick question, how much would a player be able to span in either direction?
Are the quests mainly sequential, in that we will pop the Warden and then fix the bridges and cross?

Wow! I love the Mine!

Act 2 should be a little shorter than Act 1, mainly because it is a more open environment that you can move through faster, however, I think it may have more sidequests. It was actually never intended to be a full Act, just some filler zone between Devil’s Crossing and the farming region of Homestead. However, our creativity got away with us and we ended up putting a lot of quest content into it and, like Act 1, it grew larger than we originally anticipated. So we ended up breaking Act 2 into two parts, the somewhat shorter hill regions of what is now Act 2 and the larger area of Homestead, which we will finish up next as Act 3.

I think you’ll find when playing through it, that it does feel fairly different. It is meant to be a transition zone from the swamps of Wightmire to Homestead, so it isn’t an extreme difference. It is a much brighter and more open environment though, with more significant changes in elevation. We made a new set of rocks, so the hills feel craggier than the more rounded rocks in Wightmire. All of the terrain textures are new also (except the heightmap rock texture).

Also, most of the enemies will be new or types you haven’t seen much yet (in the case of the human outlaws). ; )

then I seriously can’t wait, thanks med for answering, as I can’t wait to see act 2 in action, I have full trust in you guys, so I know that the game has grown a lot bigger then you originally planned, so keep up the great work, you guys really do rock!

Hello to everyone! This is my first post on this forum, up until now i was only reading and checking for updates. All these new areas look fantastic. I just can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy of the game. (By the way, this is maybe a rhetorical question considering the fact you are indie studio with no publisher, but is there a chance for something like a delux/limited edition of the game with some bonus materials like book, poster, map soundtrack…etc?)
I have one more question, even thouh i am not sure that this thread is the right place.
In Titan Quest we had some locked boss monsters that you can fight only on higher difficulties like the manticore or the hydra. Is this the case with Grim Dawn? Are you considering to add stuff like that in the game? I think that even the smallest bonus on a higher difficulties can make the game replayability value much more higher.
So…that’s it. Greeting from Bulgaria and keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

the only way to get a physical copy copy at the moment was if you backed it on KS (that ended a long time ago) , otherwise it would be highly doubtful that they will do more, as they dont have a publisher to handle that kind of thing,

Love the new artwork, all looking gorgeous. Cheers for the update.

Act 2 is looking quite good so far.

Honestly when the 6 new riftgate locations appeared in one of the earlier builds I was hoping that was all of act 2. But now that I compare the real act 2 with act 1 it still is quite large and I hope that there will be quite a few underground areas to explore (besides the mine :slight_smile: ).

Thanks for the update :slight_smile: I love the new areas and their look!

awesome! So Not sure if this can be answered or not but When act 2 content rolls around, will we see an increase to the level cap? If so what would be the estimate for the new cap? 35/40? For me I am curious as this will help give me a good idea content wise when this act 2 content goes live :slight_smile:

Either way sure hope for some new high challenge areas!

Perhaps Crate should consider adding a physical reward tier to their Buy Now! options above the $85 tier, albeit without the same benefits as what was offered on Kickstarter? Maybe a $100 tier for just a physical game disc and digital extras? :undecided:

Otherwise awesome update guys, you really made this an awesome Monday for me! :smiley:

This made my day! new monsters and place to fight plus new quests :slight_smile:

I’ll follow the general trend and say that these new pics look rather promising, well done Crate, well done :slight_smile:
I wonder if the level cap will be increased a bit with Act2, so we can have fun with some of the new baddies! :smiley:

Looks great! I can’t wait to delve into some of the hidden areas :slight_smile:


And to echo previous posters; The screenshots look amazing. Especially the mines and ruins. Can’t wait for “act 2” to come out.

Also pleased to see that there will be more quests. To my liking Act 1 feels a bit lacking around Burrwitch village.

Cheers for the update fellows! :wink:

There will be an increase to the level cap, I’ll have to find the post to verify but I’m quite sure I saw it in one of medierra’s posts.

The amount of details on the last two (not just those, but they stroke me the most!) pictures is astounding!!!

I can’t wait to play Act 2, good job, guys!

Hehe was thinking the exact same thing!

Great Grim Misadventure. Can’t wait for this huge content update!