Grim Misadventure #35: Epic Power

Yes, this helmet MUST be an in-game drop. Make it happen! :smiley:

Chillwind is awesome! I’m a sucker for cold spells and it seems to function like Phantasmal Blades! :smiley:

Does Chillwind benefit from damage bonuses granted by skills and items? Such as the Chaos damage added by Solael’s Witchfire?

Awesome update and I’m glad to see the actual stats of the items rather then reading the vague details on the localization files :slight_smile:

Also happy that there will be items that give you permanent pets rather then ones that just last for a duration.

Summoning only 1 revenant sticks with the lore of the item in that it is just about 1 person who previously used/created the book and you are summoning his presence or something. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of items/skill affixes which will allow you to summon more pets to help temporarily sate your need for a more summoning oriented mastery.

Which is why it has a 12 second cooldown/40% chance to proc and most likely enemies (bosses for sure, not sure on others) will have resistances to reduction of enemy’s health.

Also execution for Nightblade is rather similar to Soul Soul steal and can potentially be spammed multiple times which I would imagine is also rather OP.
In any case it still looks like a pretty awesome item :slight_smile:

The plan is definitely to raid the skeleton wardrobe for player loot.

Many high level granted skills are probably OP in their current iteration. The numbers may change, but the core feeling of these skills will remain the same.

It is similar to Phantasmal Blades, but is not treated as a weapon attack for the purposes of applying additional damage effects.

I personally don’t like how the most devastating skills are restricted to high level legendary items. Maybe something granting utility, like life leech or maybe some buff/aura. But skills like this I think would be best to put on the tree so you can actually develop them over time. Or maybe they could change the way your existing kills work. But I think items that automatically make your character insanely powerful is a bad idea.

Hey, this item has me excited, however I have a few questions. Hellhound, raven, harbinger, reckless gaurdian, and I have our own style going on. Is this new pet a party crasher or anything? Will we be cruising around late at night and picking up hot loot then he says something like “hey its 3:30, time to go to sleep like a normal civilized adult” or something? Cause harbinger hates people like that and it could cause problems. I do not want an internal falling out.

Will we see bonus summons being affected by “pet total damage X%” or will bonus pets always be exempt from that due to balancing reasons?

You’re missing the inherent vitality resistance that all bosses have. You have to break that first before this weapon will do a lot against bosses.


Items having skills gives more build opportunity and theory crafting which is a good thing.

Plus it allows for mixing up your build and not worrying about being stuck in 2 mastery’s.

If you are talking about Soul Thief, it has it’s own trade offs like the 12 second cooldown, 40% proc on it’s powerful ability, and bosses having resistances to the reduction in health (and probably other specific enemies I’d imagine).

Personally I’m glad that GD will have good items. Diablo 3 had procs which dealt hardly any damage though apparently RoS may try and fix that.

I saw the 12 second cooldown, but still. Can you imagine if Execution and Steal Soul both proc’d at once? That’s 117% reduction to enemy health. Not counting items that have that affix. You could basically one shot stuff if you get lucky :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m sure there will be some resistance, OA and DA checks in there, but just look past that and think of the hit that does land or crits. lol

That’s what I figured. Can’t wait to test it out!

It’s not about getting OP from a single item. It’s a unique’s ability to inspire a build ON the item.

Not “professional farming/game clearing” builds (you can always build those with “traditional” greens and uniques), but fun, personal, enjoyable builds. Replay value x10.

Awesome work Crate! All the haters can piss off because this is already more polished than a lot of the garbage that is out there nowadays and it’s in ALPHA!

As a person who is constantly trying to invent new builds and somebody who pretends to know what they’re doing when it comes to min/maxing (so far from good at it) this is a killer update. I literally had about 10 different build ideas pop into my mind just from these few items.

Not to mention there is still the Arcanist so that adds a whole new level to think about. Keep up the awesome work, I’m enjoying the alpha while we wait for this gem to be polished more :slight_smile:

Execution and Soul Steal probably won’t be able to proc at the same time since Soul Steal is an activated ability so I doubt execution would be able to proc at the same time.

This is great. Specials weapons with special skills! I love this! Keep up the amazing work!

Exactly. Like the one thread where someone made a viable build using Soiled Trousers ability Throw Feces. Quite hilarious but surprisingly effective lol.

Ohh good lord can’t wait to aether build! And prolly get that dang aether resist passive :smiley: Would fit with my aether epic glove!

+1 Crate, love this update

Are enemies able to use these granted skills, if they have this stuff equipped? If yes, a 40% Chance of 90% Health Reduction is likely to kill the player … or bring him close to his death.

Fair point.

Yes, but that wasn’t my point. It doesn’t matter if you’re using it create a build around, it’s still a valid point that as it stands in the screenshot, it has the potential to be way OP.

For example, you can’t tell me that if a boss has 1,250,000 health and you hit it (under perfect circumstances) and it drops to 125,000 health that it isn’t an OP skill. In what world isn’t that OP? And that’s not accounting for a crit.

You may have gone from a 5 minute OMG RED SCREEN OF DEATH to a 30 second fight.

Will it be an awesome item to create a build around? Hell yes! Do I want them to change it? Not necessarily. At least, not until after it’s tested by the community.

Anyways, I was just voicing my thoughts and not trying to limit builds :slight_smile:

Awesome items! Especially the belt :smiley:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think bosses have high vitality damage resistance, and so won’t take nearly as much dmg from the proc.

I think granted skills are not used by AI. Skills directly on the item have of course the chance to proc.

Cavar, I was not referring to your post. I was trying to comment on FireGaurdian’s dislike of such itemization. Failsafes are there, I am fairly sure, it would be embarassing to have everyone (every build that is) chasing after a certain item or getting such and such stats to equip said item in order to beat bosses in one hit, or go zero to hero in one super lucky drop.

This beauty, Soulthief, gives you Soul Steal to mix in with +1 Shadow Strike. It is a huge mob vacuum+heal in the price of one. On a boss I bet it will just do 200% damage and convert it to health.

Edit: Scratch that. No DCtH for us from bosses without -resists.