Grim Misadventure #40: Relics of the Past

Not sure why this should affect the tankiness at all.

As to the second weapon offering additional bonuses, the same s true if you have a shield or focus in your off-hand as well, so this too should have only a small impact

Gunslinger’s Talisman, that is enough to get me excited.

annihilation “good results”…like an atom bomb :smiley:

If I may make a suggestion, that the relic title text changes color depending on if the relic is Empowered, Transcendent or Mythical.

I think I’ll be making the same mythicals over and over, just to get the completion bonus perfect for my character. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: And of course have a stash for characters who haven’t been lucky enough to get the relic blueprint they needed.

sweet 2 more days for the next update. Can’t wait! Perhaps maybe some info on a release for the next build? :slight_smile:

Edit: Could it be possible to make a blueprint once created, the blueprint itself burns to ash and in order to build another one you got to find a new blueprint. I think if you only ever needed to find the blueprint once that would miss out on fun trading opportunities since basically blueprints are gonna be obsolete very quickly.

Edit: I just realized that TQ had it like that, where building a tailsman used up the special paper thing… I can only hope blueprints have the same effect.

i’m very happy to see the relics/charms system from TQ is also back in GD. I loved that system, the relics really made it possible to give your character that extra bit of power needed to follow a certain build