Grim Misadventure #50: A Very B20 Preview


Ninja vanish!

On one hand I am disappointed that I have to wait another 2-4 weeks to get interested in the game again when b20 comes out.

On the other, b20 will be even more awesome once that day finally comes.

Alright, that room is called the death room. I just made my first SoT run yesterday (in normal) and I burnt 30 potions in that room. I thought my character sucks now it makes me feel better knowing people are all having a difficult time.

All these changes sound good to me. Thanks for the huge update!

Just came back from my holiday and have been sleeping for about 12 hours… (i was focking tired)

but i am happy that i woke up and could see/read this amazing post!! :open_mouth:

Thanks crate for listening to us and creating such amazing game! :D:D

Another month’s delay is fine by me. I am still severely burned out and can use the time away from the game. I may even wait until B21 to get back into it. I’ll still be monitoring the forums though…

Has there been any thought to adding more storage space, both shared and personal? I’m finding very quickly that my shared storage space is filling up with just a smattering of blues, and my components.

I’m having to store blue items in personal storage across my 4 endgame characters, which is a nightmare when trying to find a specific bit of gear that I want to test on a character, or assembling a set of leveling gear for a new character.

The personal storage seems more than enough, but only having one tab for shared just seems a bit too small, especially since you’ve only released levels 1-35 out of a 1-75 game (I believe you said 75 was endgame before DLC?).

Anyway, that slight negativity out of the way, cannot wait for B20. The skill transmuters seem like a very interesting tweak to classes that need it, namely Soldier and Nightblade, since their skills tend to be passive/percentage chanced. Adding even slight tweaking to these skills could add some serious fun.

Not sure how Multiplayer is gonna be, since the community seem mostly spread out across USA and Europe, and as a lonely Australian I don’t think I will be able to get many games with a decent ping.

Thanks for reading my splurge

  • Ham


Pretty sure extra shared storage is in the works. Also, we playtest MP with gamers from USA EU and AUS, it works, but in any case, there are a lot of people from downunder playing this game, I meet them all the time on twitch, so no worries mate!

Will “Act 3” also be apart of this B20 update?

I don’t know why so many people have trouble, my Nightblade has no issues with SoT till the boss at the end of level 3 (I haven’t been in level 4 or 5) and even that boss only kills me 2 or 3 times a run

I’m Aussie, although most of the time I only play between 8pm and 3am or 12pm and 4pm (most commonly play at 12am-3am)

As well as most USA connections aren’t that bad in other games so I don’t see why it would be an issue in this game

Excuse me, but when people say SoT is HARD, they are actually referring to the lowest levels. The top part is a stroll in the park by comparison.

Oh sorry I thought were talking about level 1 because I saw “the first room” and missed the “trap” part, my bad

So some items will be disappearing from stashes but the Bloodreaper boots will be changing, so if my character is wearing the Bloodreaper set when update occurs the boots will stay on my character but no longer be part of the set and the set bonuses will change slightly?

Wish it was the Bloodreapers Mark you where removing as it’s the only part I can’t find. I must have at least five pairs of the boots:rolleyes:

Dammit, I just got my new character high enough to wear those, and they’re a core part of my build. Only using bloodreaper cowl+boots, so losing the set bonus may mean I’ll have to go looking for a new head slot aswell.

No. Act 3 has quite a bit of work left according to a previous Devs post.

I very much like the idea that number of pieces in armor sets is reduced to get bonuses easier. However, I find it highly questionable why Bloodreaper’s Boots were selected to be removed from the set. Bloodreaper’s set has barely 3 usable items, and that is for NB only, which are cleaver, head and boots. Chest, Mark and that other weapons are much weaker, lvl30+ epics or well rolled rares beat them easily.
I would think that weak parts of the sets should be removed and turned to epics with stat boosts to those items rather than picking one of the best piece of the set and making it standalone epic.

Getting rid of a stronger item in a set is better since they are improving the set bonuses - this will then create some balance in choosing an item that may not be so great in order to get a useful set bonus.

Sorry if this is a bit idiotic, but has act 2 been fully released? i.e. is finding Elsa the chain starter for act 3, or midway through act 2?

True, I mean, its a nightmare trying to find the full Guardsmans set for my tank character, when in all reality I only really NEED the shoulders for their passive (Which is broken when combined with a maxed menhirs will haha).

Is it bad I mostly want the set completed because I want to pretend my characters an ex-guardsman who is trying to bring THE LAW to the land?

I dont agree. I would much prefer if weak pieces are buffed to be a viable option rather than removing strong parts of the set. I cant imagine any form of set bonus that would force me to wear Bloodreaper’s Mark, which is utter crap any way you look at it. Chest is also heavily contested by other epic pieces.

Whole different story is taking away those items completely, ie. there was remark by Zantai that those removed set items are completely removed from the game. Luckily, Bloodreaper’s boots are staying, although, they wont be part of set.

If any changes are retroactive, it would be great to change those original items to legacy items. They might not be moved to transfer stash so they can not be duped but they should stay with the character that is wearing them. Taking away without giving replacement is not cool.