Grim Misadventure #50: A Very B20 Preview

great news ! :smiley:

i can’t wait for this one. and great update, many infos on what is coming is always greatly appreciated.

Thank you Zantai !

As a avid PoE player, I can say that Legacy items are a really really bad idea. It completely changes the economy of certain items, meaning sometimes you NEED an older item for a certain build, which drives their price up to insane amounts.

Admittedly, Grim Dawn probably won’t be as big as PoE, or have as active a trading community, but legacy items are a great way to mess up a developing economy. Perhaps making them untradable would be an idea, but then you run into the problem of why bother? So far there’s just level 35 and lower items being effected, and these items are not even close to endgame by the time the game is completed.

Basically, the endgame stuff around currently will be trash by the time the game is completed, so why bother implementing a big annoying system to keep everyone happy when you can just change the items and people will not be effected in the long term.

This is just my opinion however.

well, it’s beta law i guess. don’t grow too fond of your chars and items, as everything is subject to changes ! :wink:

that’s why i’m gonna wipe all my saves before final release, to play the game as it’s intended to be played originally.

Good thing Grim Dawn won’t have an economy considering it’s super easy to just copy / paste character files with whatever items inside.

But sure I’ll pay you around 300,000 iron bits for that one legacy item. Then I’ll throw it into my shared stash, delete the character, and then replace the character with a copy from before buying your item.

Not that I actually do this - but just showing how “economy” will most likely be non-existent unless people create “pure” characters and create an economy of their own.

Kripp is streaming now and making it look easy

Yes he is. With his second character in coming back to Grim Dawn where he has farmed for quite awhile in order to have this character easily destroy anything in Steps of Torment level 4/5.

With excellent gear it’s easy to get through Steps of Torment.

The death room is in level 4… So if you don’t know why people have trouble it is because you have never been there :wink:

And he duped his main weapon.

We elected to remove the boots consistently across the sets (rather than selecting a different gear slot in each set) in order to create more consistent overlap between most sets. That way, you will usually have to make a choice about how to mix and match sets to get the bonuses you want the most rather than it being a no-brainer as there is minimal overlap.

In additional to set bonus changes, the base item stats are redone as well. In general, a set item by itself will not be as great, but as soon as you get another in the mix, those set bonuses will (hopefully) start to feel tempting.

Right, I see there was a definite attempt to streamline sets, which is good. I also tend to like sets with fewer pieces because it leaves certain flexibility to other gear choices.
If I was to pick slots and number of pieces, I would opt for 4 pieces a set and head, chest, hands and legs slots. Rest would be left to player’s choice and however he/she wants to balance the primary stats from a set.

so i have idea a ester egg boss out TQIT the red bull out the act 3 so a little question it’s very nice :stuck_out_tongue:

Since I’ve seen you post a bit about PoE, I’d like to point out that PoE was bringing in money during its Alpha, and it took at least 2 years from when they started bringing in money until they finally released last fall.

Also, PoE through Act 2 Normal really isn’t much of a challenge either, so I’d say both games are on par in that department. And yes, I played Invasion almost exclusively last season, as melee, without IR. PoE at an equivalent point in development compared to GD was in a much worse state (I’ve been play PoE since 2011).

So you need to take your blinders off and compare the two games at a relative points in development. Comparing two games when one is still in development to one that is a month away from its second expansion is asinine.

And in case you are wondering I’m a Silver/Divine/Warrior Supporter of PoE, so I’m far from biased.


Please - UP experience level :wink:

set bonus overhauls are looking great. that was one area i wasn’t to fond of in the past. i am an item set junky stemming back from dungeon siege and I wasn’t terribly fond of the ones in this game so far. good to see more love.

also does anyone have a list of the transmuters shown in livestreams but not previewed by the devs? i know there are more then what was shown but i have no idea where to find them

Wow~ thanks for the awesome update!
Looking forward for those new features and Steam cloud saving!

Oh thank christ. That is sorely needed. I remember the first time I stepped into that room with one of my most powerful toons and got essentially instagibbed. All I could do was stare, jaw agape, thinking “are you ****ing kidding me?”

Just one quick question, in multi player are the monster health damage scaled too? Like more health and more damage depending on how many players?

It has to be. If this isn’t the case, everything becomes extremely easy.

Yes enemies scale with the number of people in a multiplayer game.

I hope there are still some sets with many pieces. I like a good set piece distribution.