Grim Misadventure #50: A Very B20 Preview

What kind of scaling? Just numbers on enemies?
I find just increasing enemy HP/damage makes many player builds go down the drain especially those that depend on killing enemy before they kill you and those that depend on enemies not hitting you often.

But now in MP you don’t kill them fast and when they manage to hit you they will do much more damage.
This makes some builds bad/boring for MP.
Didn’t care about this in D2 as I played with one friend and one had a sorceress and another necro and it just meant more spamming to kill them but in PoE I found MP with more than one person a borefest as enemies too ages to kill unless most of the team went around together.

I would rather like to see numbers of enemies increase or numbers of tough enemies increase (like all white enemies become yellow ones) and more heroes.

Onkas81 joins our world. Diablo’s minions grow stronger.

Onkas81 left our world. Diablo’s minions weaken.

I cant imagine monster damage would scale any significantly in MP. Monster health pools should grow to compensate for extra damage output of multiple characters in the same game. It is very different story on the receiving end of the sword/axe where player’s capability to withstand damage has not increased, or only marginally due to party buffs, while in MP. You can wade in and out of combat to split damage over longer period amongst more characters but this will not work in extreme case where monster damage would kill you in just few hits due to the scaling.

Increasing monster’s HP also increase their damage dealing potential because it is very unlikely that all damage will be focused on single monster, which in turn means that monsters will be staying alive for a longer period, therefore, dealing more damage to players.

It will depend on how the threat will be managed : the closest is the target, monster will hunt the most dps dealer, all class at same rank in threat etc…

Anyway good news. I’d really like to play with my wife in Mp as we did with TQ… so much fun with good combos :stuck_out_tongue:

As long as we don’t start seeing inflated numbers reaching into the millions of HP or something it’s all gravy with me.

Great work so far guys, me and a few buddies are eagerly waiting for the MP B20 update so we all have a fresh start together.

BTW, do you guys plan on implementing a 4-pack through Steam anytime soon? I think it would be a good idea once the multiplayer gets here. I’d say $80 would be reasonable (20% off, instead of buying individual copies).

So… can I keep these Bloodreaper Boots or should I start looking for something another? I don’t want to find my characters barefooted after update…

Most likely the boots will just change in name - not disappear.

You can keep them. Their stats might change and they are no longer part of the set, but you won’t be barefoot.

This is the case.

For bumping difficulty in MP based on the number of players, I wouldn’t mind an option during game creation that let the host scale between increasing monster HP and increasing monster qty.

Thank you. And one more thing. If you want to change some armor stats, like decreasing Physique or something, some chars may be not playable until increasing level cap. Of course I can distribute points once again but it’s not the same, when I have ready build.

There may definitely be cases of this. It comes down to playing a game that’s actively being worked on.

Do you guys have any plans on releasing a 4-pack through Steam after multiplayer is implemented?

вы через две недели то выпустите обновление b20

nice I can’t wait!

Looking very much forward to B20!
Good things need time:)

Great news! :slight_smile: I’ll be honest saying that I’m mainly a solo player, so multiplayer is not an emergency for me. Transmuters, on the other hand…And if they are coming with the next update…My, my! That makes me happy! :slight_smile:

I was just wondering, as this is my first patch after I bought the game (Picked it up on a whim during steam sale after getting bored with all my other ARPG’s, best purchase in any steam sale hands down) will you be doing an announcement of a definate patch day a few days beforehand, or will it just be announced when it goes live on steam?

I know you guys are working on a fairly stretchy timeline in terms of releases, but surely you’d be able to hammer it down to a set day when its getting near release.

Also, as for the multiplayer debate, it may just mean in future multiplayer characters will be more physique based. Not sure what that means for casters since spirit is such a god stat for them, but eh.

I’m interested to see what will happen with multiple auras, as I’m sure they won’t stack, however I’m also sure that allot of people will be running similar auras. Perhaps a sort of aura buff to the highest level one? i.e. X is running a maxed level soldier aura, but Y and Z both have lower level ones, when all close to each other, X’s aura gets a increase from both of them.

-Patches are released when they are done. Due to game development being finicky it’s best to not have a specific date but an estimation. Specific dates lead to backlash via the for any delay due to hype while an estimation usually isn’t the same case. I would suggest simply checking the forums/steam every once in awhile between the 2-4 week period. This is just my opinion

Game development doesn’t always go to plan so the key here is patience imo.

-MP players going mostly for physique - depends on the gear, build, and play style of the player’s in the group.

-Not sure on auras.

Rebalanced Skeletal Golems? Finally…

As a melee player, I thank you.