Grim Misadventure #51: Act 3 Monster Menagerie

You are right, save that for the flame-tailed hero version.

Plus, when you kill a helium filled monster your voice change into a high pitched squeak. Bonus!

Would it be possible for their tails to fly high to the sky when we gib them, then?

It would make for such a joyous moment, a humane respite from all this grim violence.


can’t wait for act 3 the environments and monsters revealed so far look great… and i’m hoping to see a lot more info about the grim dawn and the state of the wider world in act 3, i love how in the first two acts you learn a lot about the recent history of those regions and older history with arkovia but you barely learn anything about the overall plot of the game or what is going on in the rest of cairn (although you get plenty of hints). it really helps suck you in you want to learn more more more!

Absolutely amazing looking models!

who was the primary idea-man for these 2 creatures? Like who made their concept art?

Great special effect though, you have to admit. :wink: I can see it now, manticores exploding all over Grim Dawn Act 3 - wonderful.

Does this mean that when we kill one, the narrator will start saying ‘that skill is not ready’ in a really high pitched voice? :smiley:

I wonder how a fight between a Gargantuan Obsidian Defiler and an Aether Hulk would look like:)
Guess that would be the ultimate Chtonian - Aetherial badass showdown battle:p


If the defiler has a breath weapon attack, I think I know how that fight’s going to go down.

Great update! Those creature models are very impressive. I especially like the Manticore - there is something about its barbed tail that really incites fear!


really excited to see this update. the creature models are awesome. going to enjoy killing those. now the hard part is waiting for b20 for new things to do.

Breath, I see chest beam with that setup, if it cant impale you on its 4 limbs it just roasts you with chaos damage from that nasty Chaotic Core it has.

Your team needs to come up with a really cool environment for Act III! I remember the first time I encountered the Arcane Sanctuary in Act II of Diablo II, I was blown away! The background of “space” and moving from area to area via teleport pad was awesome. It was a puzzle to figure out where to go. You need to do something similar, to blow the top off of Act III in Grim Dawn!

Great update, it seems I need to create more 35lvl chars, to be sure I have a backup :wink: But will be able to travel into the dark void, as it was in half-life? You know what I mean, a very dark, grave and distant place far far from Cairn. It sounds like fun. Or we could place it into right bottom corner of the world map, there is some kind of crater or whatever…

Can’t wait for b20, and these nasties. Not sure which is my favourite, but leaning towards the Manticore after witnessing your discussions on its tail.

Still, can’t wait to kill them.

Any news on b20 release date other than just a few weeks? I watched the interview with Kripp, and I believe you said 1-2 weeks from then. Just wondering if you’ve narrowed down the timeframe enough to be comfortable with revealing it.

Absolutely amazing as always. Never cease to be impressed by the quality of the Crate effort. You put the ‘Big Guys’ to shame, IMHO. Bring it on!!

The last timeframe from them that had numbers was “2-4” weeks in Zantais update just over 3 weeks ago, so hopefully by the end of this week.

I listened to the Kripp interview but Medierra wasn’t exactly precise with the dates in that.

Hope we will see in future a weapon that can summon Obsidian Defiler as ally (something like Salazar’s weapon with it’s unique function) :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m curious. Are these two different manticores or does the manticore change into the night prowler at night? :slight_smile: